Hank Williams Jr.
Angels Are Hard To Find

Lord I'm singing You this message up to Heaven

Asking you to send me down another angel

I've been looking for a long time for someone to get her off my mind

But you know Lord, angels are hard to find

I want an angel with arms and not with wings

Someone that I can call my darling

If You can think of someone to fit that description

Lord could You help me one more time?

But I know Lord, angels are hard to find

It's my fault I lost the first one You sent to me

I didn't know 'til she was gone how much she meant to me

She loved me but I was blind, I bet I do a whole lot better next time

But I know Lord, angels are hard to find

I want an angel with arms and not with wings

Someone that I can call darling

If You can think of someone to fit my description

Lord, could You help ole Hank one more time?

But I know Lord, yeah angels are hard to find

One like that right there Lord, angels are hard to find

Mirror lyrics:

One like that right there Lord, angels are hard to find

But I know Lord, yeah angels are hard to find

Lord, could You help ole Hank one more time?

If You can think of someone to fit my description

Someone that I can call darling

I want an angel with arms and not with wings

But I know Lord, angels are hard to find

She loved me but I was blind, I bet I do a whole lot better next time

I didn't know 'til she was gone how much she meant to me

It's my fault I lost the first one You sent to me

But I know Lord, angels are hard to find

Lord could You help me one more time?

If You can think of someone to fit that description

Someone that I can call my darling

I want an angel with arms and not with wings

But you know Lord, angels are hard to find

I've been looking for a long time for someone to get her off my mind

Asking you to send me down another angel

Lord I'm singing You this message up to Heaven

Relevant Tags:
AAngels AAre HHard TTo FFind ngels re ard o ind nAgels rAe aHrd oT iFnd zngels zre jard fo cind zAngels zAre jHard fTo cFind Azngels Azre Hjard Tfo Fcind
qngels qre uard 5o rind qAngels qAre uHard 5To rFind Aqngels Aqre Huard T5o Frind sngels sre nard ho gind sAngels sAre nHard hTo gFind Asngels Asre Hnard Tho Fgind
wngels wre bard yo tind wAngels wAre bHard yTo tFind Awngels Awre Hbard Tyo Ftind xngels xre gard 6o vind xAngels xAre gHard 6To vFind Axngels Axre Hgard T6o Fvind
Anngels Arre yard go dind Agels Ae yHard gTo dFind Agnels Aer Hyard Tgo Fdind Amgels Ade Haard ro Fiind Amngels Adre Hrd rTo Fnd Anmgels Arde Hrad Tro Fnid
Ahgels A4e Hzrd Too Fjnd Ahngels A4re Hzard T Fjind Anhgels Ar4e Hazrd To Fijnd Ajgels Age Hqrd Tk F9nd Ajngels Agre Hqard Tko F9ind Anjgels Arge Haqrd Tok Fi9nd
Abgels Ate Hsrd T9 Flnd Abngels Atre Hsard T9o Flind Anbgels Arte Hasrd To9 Filnd Anggels A5e Hwrd T0 Fond Anels A5re Hward T0o Foind Anegls Ar5e Hawrd To0 Fiond
Anhels Afe Hxrd Tl Fknd Afre Hxard Tlo Fkind Anghels Arfe Haxrd Tol Fiknd Anyels Aee Harrd Ti F8nd Anygels Aere Had Tio F8ind Angyels Aree Hadr Toi Fi8nd
Anbels Hadd Fund Ar Hadrd Fuind Angbels Are Hardd Fiund Anvels Ars Ha4d Finnd Anvgels Arse Ha4rd Fid Angvels Ares Har4d Fidn
Anfels Ar3 Hagd Fimd Anfgels Ar3e Hagrd Fimnd Angfels Are3 Hargd Finmd Antels Arf Hatd Fihd Antgels Hatrd Fihnd Angtels Aref Hartd Finhd

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