Hank Williams Jr.
End Of A Bad Day

I'm out of money I'm out of friends and my six-packs are all gone

All the couples I've been watching dance now they've all gone home

Yes the barroom is all quiet except for fools who stay

And I'm glad it's finally come the end of a bad day

Well it's still hard to believe that you've left so suddenly

Well I just thought that you were kiddin' when you
told me you're gonna leave

But truer words were never spoken than when you said I'm going away

And I'm glad it's finally come the end of a bad day

Lord I wish that old jukebox would be playin' those sad sad songs

Cause tonight I'm just a guy to sit right here and sing along

I'm cryin' tears of my own sympathy but through them I still say

Lord I'm glad it's finally come the end of a bad day

Lord I'm glad it's finally come the end of a bad day

Mirror lyrics:

Lord I'm glad it's finally come the end of a bad day

Lord I'm glad it's finally come the end of a bad day

I'm cryin' tears of my own sympathy but through them I still say

Cause tonight I'm just a guy to sit right here and sing along

Lord I wish that old jukebox would be playin' those sad sad songs

And I'm glad it's finally come the end of a bad day

But truer words were never spoken than when you said I'm going away

told me you're gonna leave
Well I just thought that you were kiddin' when you

Well it's still hard to believe that you've left so suddenly

And I'm glad it's finally come the end of a bad day

Yes the barroom is all quiet except for fools who stay

All the couples I've been watching dance now they've all gone home

I'm out of money I'm out of friends and my six-packs are all gone

Relevant Tags:
EEnd OOf AA BBad DDay nd f ad ay nEd fO A aBd aDy snd kf z vad xay sEnd kOf zA vBad xDay Esnd Okf Az Bvad Dxay 3nd 9f q gad eay
3End 9Of qA gBad eDay E3nd O9f Aq Bgad Deay fnd 0f s nad fay fEnd 0Of sA nBad fDay Efnd O0f As Bnad Dfay rnd lf w had ray rEnd lOf wA hBad rDay
Ernd Olf Aw Bhad Dray 4nd if x Baad cay 4End iOf xA Bd cDay E4nd Oif Ax Bda Dcay dnd Off Bzd say dEnd O Bzad sDay Ednd Of Bazd Dsay
wnd Oc Bqd Daay wEnd Ocf Bqad Dy Ewnd Ofc Baqd Dya Ennd Or Bsd Dzy Ed Orf Bsad Dzay Edn Ofr Basd Dazy Emd Og Bwd Dqy
Emnd Ogf Bwad Dqay Enmd Ofg Bawd Daqy Ehd Ot Bxd Dsy

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