Hank Williams Iii
3 Shades Of Black

3 shades of black is where I come from.
Depression, Missery, and Hellacious fun.
No we're not the kind to turn our backs and run
coz 3 shades of black is where we come from.
We are a certain breed and we dont like you.
Some are junkies some are freaks and others are everyday ghouls.
No one will ever know what we've been through
and we are proud in the light of the moon.

3 shades of black
3 shades of black
We all like metal and Whiskey!
Livin' Hard and chasin' down Hell.
We'll never give up on what we have because the darkness
gives us our thrills.

Yeaaaaaaaahhhh! Yeeeeeaaaaahyeaaaaaaaah!

3 shades of black is where I come from.
I was born in the sacrafice when I was young.
3 shades of black is what makes us strong,
and we all wear it like a uniform of chosen ones.

3 shades of black.
3 shades of black.
3 shades of black.
We all like metal and Whiskey!
Livin' hard and chasin' down Hell.
We'll never give up on what we have because the darkness
gives us our thrills.

Coz' the darkness gives us our thrills...............

Mirror lyrics:

Coz' the darkness gives us our thrills...............

gives us our thrills.
We'll never give up on what we have because the darkness
Livin' hard and chasin' down Hell.
We all like metal and Whiskey!
3 shades of black.
3 shades of black.
3 shades of black.

and we all wear it like a uniform of chosen ones.
3 shades of black is what makes us strong,
I was born in the sacrafice when I was young.
3 shades of black is where I come from.

Yeaaaaaaaahhhh! Yeeeeeaaaaahyeaaaaaaaah!

gives us our thrills.
We'll never give up on what we have because the darkness
Livin' Hard and chasin' down Hell.
We all like metal and Whiskey!
3 shades of black
3 shades of black

and we are proud in the light of the moon.
No one will ever know what we've been through
Some are junkies some are freaks and others are everyday ghouls.
We are a certain breed and we dont like you.
coz 3 shades of black is where we come from.
No we're not the kind to turn our backs and run
Depression, Missery, and Hellacious fun.
3 shades of black is where I come from.

Relevant Tags:
33 SShades OOf BBlack hades f lack 3 hSades fO lBack 4 zhades kf vlack 43 zShades kOf vBlack 34 Szhades Okf Bvlack
w whades 9f glack w3 wShades 9Of gBlack 3w Swhades O9f Bglack e dhades 0f nlack e3 dShades 0Of nBlack 3e Sdhades O0f Bnlack
2 ehades lf hlack 23 eShades lOf hBlack 32 Sehades Olf Bhlack xhades if Bllack xShades iOf Back Sxhades Oif Balck
ahades Off Bkack aShades O Bklack Sahades Of Blkack Shhades Oc Boack Sades Ocf Bolack Sahdes Ofc Bloack
Sjades Or Bpack Sjhades Orf Bplack Shjades Ofr Blpack Suades Og Blaack Suhades Ogf Blck Shuades Ofg Blcak
Snades Ot Blzck Snhades Otf Blzack Shnades Oft Blazck Sbades Ov Blqck Sbhades Ovf Blqack Shbades Ofv Blaqck
Sgades Od Blsck Sghades Odf Blsack Shgades Ofd Blasck Syades Blwck Syhades Blwack Shyades Blawck
Shaades Blxck Shdes Blxack Shdaes Blaxck Shzdes Blacck Shzades Blak Shazdes Blakc
Shqdes Blafk Shqades Blafck Shaqdes Blacfk Shsdes Blaxk Shsades Shasdes Blacxk
Shwdes Blavk Shwades Blavck Shawdes Blacvk Shxdes Bladk

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