Hank Williams Iii
Walkin' With Sorrow

Well, walkin' with sorrow
Through a lonely day
With those empty bottles
Tryin' to ease my pain

And I'm still here drinkin'
Over the good ol' days
When I had my gal
And everything was okay

Well, walkin' with sorrow
Is a lonely way
With those empty bottles
Tryin' to ease my pain

And I'm still here thinkin'
About the good ol' days
When I had my gal
And everything was okay

Mirror lyrics:

And everything was okay
When I had my gal
About the good ol' days
And I'm still here thinkin'

Tryin' to ease my pain
With those empty bottles
Is a lonely way
Well, walkin' with sorrow

And everything was okay
When I had my gal
Over the good ol' days
And I'm still here drinkin'

Tryin' to ease my pain
With those empty bottles
Through a lonely day
Well, walkin' with sorrow

Relevant Tags:
WWalkin' WWith SSorrow alkin' ith orrow aWlkin' iWth oSrrow aalkin' aith zorrow aWalkin' aWith zSorrow Waalkin' Waith Szorrow
3alkin' 3ith worrow 3Walkin' 3With wSorrow W3alkin' W3ith Sworrow dalkin' dith dorrow dWalkin' dWith dSorrow Wdalkin' Wdith Sdorrow
ealkin' eith eorrow eWalkin' eWith eSorrow Wealkin' Weith Seorrow salkin' sith xorrow sWalkin' sWith xSorrow Wsalkin' Wsith Sxorrow
2alkin' 2ith aorrow 2Walkin' 2With aSorrow W2alkin' W2ith Saorrow qalkin' qith Soorrow qWalkin' qWith Srrow Wqalkin' Wqith Srorow
Wiith Skrrow Wlkin' Wth Skorrow Wlakin' Wtih Sokrrow Wzlkin' Wjth S9rrow Wzalkin' Wjith S9orrow Wazlkin' Wijth So9rrow
Wqlkin' W9th S0rrow W9ith S0orrow Waqlkin' Wi9th So0rrow Wslkin' Wlth Slrrow Wlith Slorrow Waslkin' Wilth Solrrow
Wwlkin' Woth Sirrow Wwalkin' Woith Siorrow Wawlkin' Wioth Soirrow Wxlkin' Wkth Sorrrow Wxalkin' Wkith Sorow Waxlkin' Wikth Sorrow
Wallkin' W8th Sodrow Wakin' W8ith Sodrrow Waklin' Wi8th Sordrow Wakkin' Wuth So4row Waklkin' Wuith So4rrow Walkkin' Wiuth Sor4row
Waokin' Witth Sogrow Waolkin' Wih Sogrrow Walokin' Wiht Sorgrow Wapkin' Wifh Sotrow Waplkin' Wifth Sotrrow Walpkin' Witfh Sortrow
Wi5h So5row Walin' Wi5th So5rrow Walikn' Wit5h Sor5row Wallin' Wihh Sofrow Wihth Sofrrow Walklin' Withh Sorfrow

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