Hank Snow
When That Someone You Love Doesn't Love You

(Hank Snow)

The ballroom was quiet and empty
The band it had played the last waltz
The beautiful moonbeams from heaven
O'er lovers so softly did fall.

A boy from the band saw me standing
And down o'er the floor made his way
Are you waiting your sweetheart he asked me
then to him those words I did say.

When that someone you love doesn't love you
And you are lonely and sad
Fate dealt a hand and you've lost it
the best pal that you ever had.

Each appeal that you made was a failure
Your romance had come to the end
And that someone you love doesn't love you
That's when your heartaches begin.

--- Instrumental ---

When that someone you love doesn't love you
And you are lonely and sad
Fate dealt a hand and you've lost it
the best pal that you ever had.

Each appeal that you made was a failure
Your romance had come to the end
And that someone you love doesn't love you
That's when your heartaches begin...

Mirror lyrics:

That's when your heartaches begin...
And that someone you love doesn't love you
Your romance had come to the end
Each appeal that you made was a failure

the best pal that you ever had.
Fate dealt a hand and you've lost it
And you are lonely and sad
When that someone you love doesn't love you

--- Instrumental ---

That's when your heartaches begin.
And that someone you love doesn't love you
Your romance had come to the end
Each appeal that you made was a failure

the best pal that you ever had.
Fate dealt a hand and you've lost it
And you are lonely and sad
When that someone you love doesn't love you

then to him those words I did say.
Are you waiting your sweetheart he asked me
And down o'er the floor made his way
A boy from the band saw me standing

O'er lovers so softly did fall.
The beautiful moonbeams from heaven
The band it had played the last waltz
The ballroom was quiet and empty

(Hank Snow)

Relevant Tags:
WWhen TThat SSomeone YYou LLove DDoesn't LLove YYou hen hat omeone ou ove oesn't ove ou hWen hTat oSmeone oYu oLve oDesn't oLve oYu
ahen fhat zomeone gou kove xoesn't kove gou aWhen fThat zSomeone gYou kLove xDoesn't kLove gYou Wahen Tfhat Szomeone Ygou Lkove Dxoesn't Lkove Ygou
3hen 5hat womeone hou oove eoesn't oove hou 3When 5That wSomeone hYou oLove eDoesn't oLove hYou W3hen T5hat Swomeone Yhou Loove Deoesn't Loove Yhou
dhen hhat domeone 6ou pove foesn't pove 6ou dWhen hThat dSomeone 6You pLove fDoesn't pLove 6You Wdhen Thhat Sdomeone Y6ou Lpove Dfoesn't Lpove Y6ou
ehen yhat eomeone uou roesn't uou eWhen yThat eSomeone uYou Lve rDoesn't Lve uYou Wehen Tyhat Seomeone Yuou Lvoe Droesn't Lvoe Yuou
shen 6hat xomeone 7ou Lkve coesn't Lkve 7ou sWhen 6That xSomeone 7You cDoesn't 7You Wshen T6hat Sxomeone Y7ou Lokve Dcoesn't Lokve Y7ou
2hen ghat aomeone jou L9ve soesn't L9ve jou 2When gThat aSomeone jYou L9ove sDoesn't L9ove jYou W2hen Tghat Saomeone Yjou Lo9ve Dsoesn't Lo9ve Yjou
qhen rhat Soomeone tou L0ve Dooesn't L0ve tou qWhen rThat Smeone tYou L0ove Desn't L0ove tYou Wqhen Trhat Smoeone Ytou Lo0ve Deosn't Lo0ve Ytou
Whhen Skmeone Yoou Llve Dkesn't Llve Yoou Wen Tat Skomeone Yu Llove Dkoesn't Llove Yu Wehn Taht Sokmeone Yuo Lolve Dokesn't Lolve Yuo
Wjen Tjat S9meone Yku Live D9esn't Live Yku Wjhen Tjhat S9omeone Ykou Liove D9oesn't Liove Ykou Whjen Thjat So9meone Yoku Loive Do9esn't Loive Yoku
Wuen Tuat S0meone Y9u Lovve D0esn't Lovve Y9u Wuhen Tuhat S0omeone Y9ou Loe D0oesn't Loe Y9ou Whuen Thuat So0meone Yo9u Loev Do0esn't Loev Yo9u
Wnen Tnat Slmeone Y0u Lobe Dlesn't Lobe Y0u Wnhen Tnhat Slomeone Y0ou Lobve Dloesn't Lobve Y0ou Whnen Thnat Solmeone Yo0u Lovbe Dolesn't Lovbe Yo0u
Wben Tbat Simeone Ylu Loce Diesn't Loce Ylu Wbhen Tbhat Siomeone Ylou Locve Dioesn't Locve Ylou Whben Thbat Soimeone Yolu Lovce Doiesn't Lovce Yolu
Wgen Tgat Sommeone Yiu Loge Doeesn't Loge Yiu Wghen Soeone Yiou Logve Dosn't Logve Yiou Whgen Thgat Soemone Yoiu Lovge Dosen't Lovge Yoiu
Wyen Tyat Sojeone Youu Lofe Dossn't Lofe Youu Wyhen Sojmeone Yo Lofve Dosesn't Lofve Yo Whyen Thyat Somjeone You Lovfe Doessn't Lovfe You
Wheen Thaat Sokeone Yoh Lovee Do3sn't Lovee Yoh Whn Tht Yohu Lov Do3esn't Lov Yohu Whne Thta Somkeone Youh Love Doe3sn't Love Youh
Whsn Thzt Soneone Yo7 Lovs Dofsn't Lovs Yo7 Whsen Thzat Sonmeone Yo7u Lovse Dofesn't Lovse Yo7u Whesn Thazt Somneone You7 Loves Doefsn't Loves You7
Wh3n Thqt Someeone Yok Lov3 Dorsn't Lov3 Yok Wh3en Thqat Somone Lov3e Doresn't Lov3e Whe3n Thaqt Somoene Youk Love3 Doersn't Love3 Youk
Whfn Thst Somsone Yoi Lovf Do4sn't Lovf Yoi Whfen Thsat Somseone Do4esn't Whefn Thast Somesone Youi Lovef Doe4sn't Lovef Youi
Whrn Thwt Som3one Yo8 Lovr Dodsn't Lovr Yo8 Whren Thwat Som3eone Yo8u Lovre Dodesn't Lovre Yo8u Whern Thawt Some3one You8 Lover Doedsn't Lover You8
Wh4n Thxt Somfone Yoj Lov4 Dowsn't Lov4 Yoj Wh4en Thxat Somfeone Yoju Lov4e Dowesn't Lov4e Yoju Whe4n Thaxt Somefone Youj Love4 Doewsn't Love4 Youj
Whdn Thatt Somrone Yoy Lovd Lovd Yoy Whden Tha Somreone Yoyu Lovde Doen't Lovde Yoyu Whedn That Somerone Youy Loved Doens't Loved Youy

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