Hank Snow
The Party Of The Second Part

(Harlan Goward)

I got a letter from the court this morning,
filled with big words lawyers seem to use
They say that you have 'cused me of neglect, dear
And with trembling hand I am writing you.

The party of the second part is very sad and blue
And wonders if the party of the first part is lonely too
The party of the second partwould give the world to win
The party of the first part back again.

They say that I have wronged you and the're right dear
I took for granted love so sweet and true
But I have learned through many sleepless nights dear
The party of te second part loves you.

The party of the second part is very sad and blue
And wonders if the party of the first parts lonely too,
The party of the second part would give the world to win
The party of the first part back again...

Mirror lyrics:

The party of the first part back again...
The party of the second part would give the world to win
And wonders if the party of the first parts lonely too,
The party of the second part is very sad and blue

The party of te second part loves you.
But I have learned through many sleepless nights dear
I took for granted love so sweet and true
They say that I have wronged you and the're right dear

The party of the first part back again.
The party of the second partwould give the world to win
And wonders if the party of the first part is lonely too
The party of the second part is very sad and blue

And with trembling hand I am writing you.
They say that you have 'cused me of neglect, dear
filled with big words lawyers seem to use
I got a letter from the court this morning,

(Harlan Goward)

Relevant Tags:
TThe PParty OOf TThe SSecond PPart he arty f he econd art hTe aPrty fO hTe eScond aPrt fhe 0arty kf fhe zecond 0art fThe 0Party kOf fThe zSecond 0Part
Tfhe P0arty Okf Tfhe Szecond P0art 5he larty 9f 5he wecond lart 5The lParty 9Of 5The wSecond lPart T5he Plarty O9f T5he Swecond Plart hhe oarty 0f hhe decond oart
hThe oParty 0Of hThe dSecond oPart Thhe Poarty O0f Thhe Sdecond Poart yhe Paarty lf yhe eecond Paart yThe Prty lOf yThe eSecond Prt Tyhe Praty Olf Tyhe Seecond Prat
6he Pzrty if 6he xecond Pzrt 6The Pzarty iOf 6The xSecond Pzart T6he Pazrty Oif T6he Sxecond Pazrt ghe Pqrty Off ghe aecond Pqrt gThe Pqarty O gThe aSecond Pqart
Tghe Paqrty Of Tghe Saecond Paqrt rhe Psrty Oc rhe Psrt rThe Psarty Ocf rThe Scond Psart Trhe Pasrty Ofc Trhe Sceond Pasrt Pwrty Or Sscond Pwrt
Te Pwarty Orf Te Ssecond Pwart Teh Pawrty Ofr Teh Sescond Pawrt Tje Pxrty Og Tje S3cond Pxrt Tjhe Pxarty Ogf Tjhe S3econd Pxart Thje Paxrty Ofg Thje Se3cond Paxrt
Tue Parrty Ot Tue Sfcond Parrt Tuhe Paty Otf Tuhe Sfecond Pat Thue Patry Oft Thue Sefcond Patr Tne Padty Ov Tne Srcond Padt Tnhe Padrty Ovf Tnhe Srecond Padrt
Thne Pardty Ofv Thne Sercond Pardt Tbe Pa4ty Od Tbe S4cond Pa4t Tbhe Pa4rty Odf Tbhe S4econd Pa4rt Thbe Par4ty Ofd Thbe Se4cond Par4t Tge Pagty Tge Sdcond Pagt
Pagrty Pagrt Thge Pargty Thge Sedcond Pargt Tye Patty Tye Swcond Patt Patrty Patrt Thye Partty Thye Sewcond Partt
Thee Pa5ty Thee Seccond Pa5t Th Pa5rty Th Seond Pa5rt The Par5ty The Seocnd Par5t Ths Pafty Ths Sefond Paft Thse Pafrty Thse Pafrt
Thes Parfty Thes Secfond Parft Th3 Paety Th3 Sexond Paet Th3e Paerty Th3e Sexcond Paert The3 Parety The3 Secxond Paret Thf Thf Sevond

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