Jessica Mauboy
What Happened To Us (feat. Jay Sean)

I feel you even though we're apart and without you
theres a hole in my heart
Ohh baby baby, though I tried I just cant adjust
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us, happened to us

We were in love we both felt the same
The good thing that we had boy was insane
We had a bond that would never break why we let it go oh
We used to stay up all night long kissing to our favorite songs
Just tell me where it all went wrong thats what I got to know oh

Cuz I feel you even though we're apart and without
you theres a hole in my heart
Ohh baby baby though I tried I just cant adjust
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us
Thought that I could get over you oh but baby that is so far from true
Ohh baby baby got something I want to discuss
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us, happened to us

I think that we oughta gotta work it out like air your
love I cant live without
So have mercy dont leave me in doubt saying I love
still burns, still burns, still burns
I try to go my separate way, at first I thought it was okay
I miss you more with each day, so to you I turn

Cuz I feel you even though we're apart and without
you theres a hole in my heart
Ohh baby baby though I tried I just cant adjust
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us
Thought that I could get over you oh but baby that is so far from true
Ohh baby baby got something I want to discuss
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us, happened to us

I know that you saw me with someone else
But believe me I'm all by myself

Cuz I feel you even though we're apart and without
you there's a hole in my heart
Ohh baby baby though I tried I just cant adjust
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us
Thought that I could get over you oh but baby that is so far from true
Ohh baby baby got something I want to discuss
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us, happened to us
(tell me, yeah)

Cuz I feel you even though we're apart and without
you theres a hole in my heart
Ohh baby baby though I tried I just cant adjust
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us (what happened to us)
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us

Mirror lyrics:

Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us (what happened to us)
Ohh baby baby though I tried I just cant adjust
you theres a hole in my heart
Cuz I feel you even though we're apart and without

(tell me, yeah)
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us, happened to us
Ohh baby baby got something I want to discuss
Thought that I could get over you oh but baby that is so far from true
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us
Ohh baby baby though I tried I just cant adjust
you there's a hole in my heart
Cuz I feel you even though we're apart and without

But believe me I'm all by myself
I know that you saw me with someone else

Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us, happened to us
Ohh baby baby got something I want to discuss
Thought that I could get over you oh but baby that is so far from true
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us
Ohh baby baby though I tried I just cant adjust
you theres a hole in my heart
Cuz I feel you even though we're apart and without

I miss you more with each day, so to you I turn
I try to go my separate way, at first I thought it was okay
still burns, still burns, still burns
So have mercy dont leave me in doubt saying I love
love I cant live without
I think that we oughta gotta work it out like air your

Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us, happened to us
Ohh baby baby got something I want to discuss
Thought that I could get over you oh but baby that is so far from true
Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us
Ohh baby baby though I tried I just cant adjust
you theres a hole in my heart
Cuz I feel you even though we're apart and without

Just tell me where it all went wrong thats what I got to know oh
We used to stay up all night long kissing to our favorite songs
We had a bond that would never break why we let it go oh
The good thing that we had boy was insane
We were in love we both felt the same

Ohh boy what happened to us, happened to us, happened to us
Ohh baby baby, though I tried I just cant adjust
theres a hole in my heart
I feel you even though we're apart and without you

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WWhat HHappened TTo UUs ((feat. JJay SSean) hat appened o s feat. ay ean) hWat aHppened oT sU f(eat. aJy eSan) ahat jappened fo hs (ffeat. kay zean)
aWhat jHappened fTo hUs (eat. kJay zSean) Wahat Hjappened Tfo Uhs (efat. Jkay Szean) 3hat uappened 5o 7s (ceat. iay wean) 3What uHappened 5To 7Us (cfeat. iJay wSean)
W3hat Huappened T5o U7s (fceat. Jiay Swean) dhat nappened ho ks (reat. may dean) dWhat nHappened hTo kUs (rfeat. mJay dSean) Wdhat Hnappened Tho Uks (freat. Jmay Sdean)
ehat bappened yo is (geat. nay eean) eWhat bHappened yTo iUs (gfeat. nJay eSean) Wehat Hbappened Tyo Uis (fgeat. Jnay Seean) shat gappened 6o 8s (teat. hay xean)
sWhat gHappened 6To 8Us (tfeat. hJay xSean) Wshat Hgappened T6o U8s (fteat. Jhay Sxean) 2hat yappened go js (veat. uay aean) 2What yHappened gTo jUs (vfeat. uJay aSean)
W2hat Hyappened Tgo Ujs (fveat. Juay Saean) qhat Haappened ro ys (deat. Jaay qWhat Hppened rTo yUs (dfeat. Jy San) Wqhat Hpapened Tro Uys (fdeat. Jya Saen)
Whhat Hzppened Too Uss (feeat. Jzy Ssan) Wat Hzappened T U (fat. Jzay Ssean) Waht Hazppened To Us (faet. Jazy Sesan) Wjat Hqppened Tk Uz (fsat. Jqy S3an)
Wjhat Hqappened Tko Uzs (fseat. Jqay S3ean) Whjat Haqppened Tok Usz (fesat. Jaqy Se3an) Wuat Hsppened T9 Uw (f3at. Jsy Sfan) Wuhat Hsappened T9o Uws (f3eat. Jsay Sfean)
Whuat Hasppened To9 Usw (fe3at. Jasy Sefan) Wnat Hwppened T0 Ud (ffat. Jwy Sran) Wnhat Hwappened T0o Uds Jway Srean) Whnat Hawppened To0 Usd (fefat. Jawy Seran)
Wbat Hxppened Tl Ue (frat. Jxy S4an) Wbhat Hxappened Tlo Ues Jxay S4ean) Whbat Haxppened Tol Use (ferat. Jaxy Se4an) Wgat Happpened Ti Ux (f4at. Jayy Sdan)
Wghat Hapened Tio Uxs (f4eat. Ja Whgat Happened Toi Usx (fe4at. Jay Sedan) Wyat Ha0pened Ua (fdat. Jag Swan) Wyhat Ha0ppened Uas Jagy
Whyat Hap0pened Usa (fedat. Jayg Sewan) Whaat Halpened (fwat. Jah Seaan) Wht Halppened (fweat. Jahy Sen) Whta Haplpened (fewat. Jayh Sena)
Whzt Haopened (feaat. Ja6 Sezn) Whzat Haoppened (fet. Ja6y Sezan) Whazt Hapopened (feta. Jay6 Seazn) Whqt (fezt. Jau Seqn)
Whqat (fezat. Jauy Seqan) Whaqt Hapepned (feazt. Jayu Seaqn) Whst Hap0ened (feqt. Ja7 Sesn) Whsat (feqat. Ja7y
Whast Happ0ened (feaqt. Jay7 Seasn) Whwt Haplened (fest. Jaj Sewn) Whwat Jajy Whawt Happlened (feast. Jayj Seawn)
Whxt Hapoened (fewt. Jat Sexn) Whxat Jaty Sexan) Whaxt Happoened (feawt. Jayt Seaxn) Whatt Happeened (fext. Seann)
Wha Happned (fexat. Sea) What Happneed (feaxt. Sea)n Whaf Happsned (featt. Seam) Whaft Happsened (fea. Seamn)

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