Jessica Andrews
Wishing Well

here goes another day another hug
and a kiss we're on our way
a cup of coffee for the road
baby i can't wait to get back home
we juggle all our hopes and dreams
with a million responsibilities
and now and then we drop the ball
we lean sometimes but we never fall

look at me, look at you
look at all that we've been through
with a lot of love and a little luck
so far it's been so good
cross your fingers, knock on wood
and pray
and if it helps go throw a dollar in the
wishing well

it ain't always laughs and smiles
but the carousel just ain't our style
the roller coaster suits us fine
boy the ups and downs liven up the


let a hundred pennies fall
splash and send up all our dreams
to heaven


throw another dollar in the wishing
throw another dollar in the wishing well
in the wishing well
in the wishing well

Mirror lyrics:

in the wishing well
in the wishing well
throw another dollar in the wishing well
throw another dollar in the wishing


to heaven
splash and send up all our dreams
let a hundred pennies fall


boy the ups and downs liven up the
the roller coaster suits us fine
but the carousel just ain't our style
it ain't always laughs and smiles

wishing well
and if it helps go throw a dollar in the
and pray
cross your fingers, knock on wood
so far it's been so good
with a lot of love and a little luck
look at all that we've been through
look at me, look at you

we lean sometimes but we never fall
and now and then we drop the ball
with a million responsibilities
we juggle all our hopes and dreams
baby i can't wait to get back home
a cup of coffee for the road
and a kiss we're on our way
here goes another day another hug

Relevant Tags:
WWishing WWell ishing ell iWshing eWll aishing aell aWishing aWell Waishing Waell 3ishing 3ell 3Wishing 3Well W3ishing W3ell
dishing dell dWishing dWell Wdishing Wdell eishing eell eWishing eWell Weishing Weell sishing sell sWishing sWell Wsishing Wsell
2ishing 2ell 2Wishing 2Well W2ishing W2ell qishing qell qWishing qWell Wqishing Wqell Wiishing Wshing Wll Wsihing Wlel
Wjshing Wsll Wjishing Wijshing Wesll W9shing W3ll W9ishing Wi9shing We3ll Wlshing Wfll Wlishing Wfell Wilshing Wefll
Woshing Wrll Woishing Wrell Wioshing Werll Wkshing W4ll Wkishing W4ell Wikshing We4ll W8shing Wdll W8ishing Wi8shing Wedll
Wushing Wwll Wuishing Wwell Wiushing Wewll Wisshing Welll Wihing Wel Wihsing Well Wizhing Wekl Wizshing Wekll Wiszhing Welkl
Wiwhing Weol Wiwshing Weoll Wiswhing Welol Widhing Wepl Widshing Wepll Wisdhing Welpl Wiehing Wieshing Wisehing
Wixhing Welk Wixshing Wisxhing Wellk Wiahing Welo Wiashing Wisahing Wello Wishhing Welp Wising Wisihng Wellp

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