Talk's Cheap

Talk's cheap...uh huh
Talk's cheap...oh yeah

Everybody's likes the sound of their own voices
everybody's life is so dull
They spend their time living someone else's
Ain't it fun to socialize
Get together with some friends
And pass aound some rumors

Talk's cheap...oh yeah

Ring ring call me on the phone
Hello, did you know? Know what?
Guess who...and then
Wll I never know, swear to God, I was there
It happened just like this; do tell...uh huh

Guessit makes you someone special
To be in on all the secrets and to tell them
Ain't it entertaining
Keeps your tongue in shape
I guess it passes the time you do it all day long

Talk's cheap!!!

You must think you're really sharp
The way you use your words like knifes


Mirror lyrics:


The way you use your words like knifes
You must think you're really sharp

Talk's cheap!!!

I guess it passes the time you do it all day long
Keeps your tongue in shape
Ain't it entertaining
To be in on all the secrets and to tell them
Guessit makes you someone special

It happened just like this; do tell...uh huh
Wll I never know, swear to God, I was there
Guess who...and then
Hello, did you know? Know what?
Ring ring call me on the phone

Talk's cheap...oh yeah

And pass aound some rumors
Get together with some friends
Ain't it fun to socialize
They spend their time living someone else's
everybody's life is so dull
Everybody's likes the sound of their own voices

Talk's cheap...oh yeah
Talk's cheap...uh huh

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