Direct Line To The Telepathic

Look at me
I'm causing a catastrophe
But I, I just might see you and me
The headlights bright as the daydream
Look at me
I'm causing a catastrophe
But I, I just might see you and me
The excess your own celebration now
Tiny records spin, holding in, the air that you breathe
Tearing right through the seams you sew
It's getting right back to you
So let it rain, rain on
I'm causing a catastrophe
So let it rain, rain on
I'm causing a catastrophe
I got a direct line, direct line
to the telepathic now
I got a direct line, direct line to the telepathic now

Mirror lyrics:

I got a direct line, direct line to the telepathic now
to the telepathic now
I got a direct line, direct line
I'm causing a catastrophe
So let it rain, rain on
I'm causing a catastrophe
So let it rain, rain on
It's getting right back to you
Tearing right through the seams you sew
Tiny records spin, holding in, the air that you breathe
The excess your own celebration now
But I, I just might see you and me
I'm causing a catastrophe
Look at me
The headlights bright as the daydream
But I, I just might see you and me
I'm causing a catastrophe
Look at me

Relevant Tags:
DDirect LLine TTo TThe TTelepathic irect ine o he elepathic iDrect iLne oT hTe eTlepathic xirect kine fo fhe felepathic xDirect kLine fTo fThe fTelepathic
Dxirect Lkine Tfo Tfhe Tfelepathic eirect oine 5o 5he 5elepathic eDirect oLine 5To 5The 5Telepathic Deirect Loine T5o T5he T5elepathic firect pine ho hhe helepathic
fDirect pLine hTo hThe hTelepathic Dfirect Lpine Tho Thhe Thelepathic rirect Liine yo yhe yelepathic rDirect Lne yTo yThe yTelepathic Drirect Lnie Tyo Tyhe Tyelepathic
cirect Ljne 6o 6he 6elepathic cDirect Ljine 6To 6The 6Telepathic Dcirect Lijne T6o T6he T6elepathic sirect L9ne go ghe gelepathic sDirect L9ine gTo gThe gTelepathic
Dsirect Li9ne Tgo Tghe Tgelepathic Diirect Llne ro rhe relepathic Drect Lline rTo rThe rTelepathic Driect Lilne Tro Trhe Trelepathic Djrect Lone Too Teelepathic
Djirect T Te Tlepathic Dijrect Lione To Teh Tleepathic D9rect Lkne Tk Tje Tslepathic D9irect Tko Tjhe Tselepathic Di9rect Likne Tok Thje Teslepathic
Dlrect L8ne T9 Tue T3lepathic Dlirect L8ine T9o Tuhe T3elepathic Dilrect Li8ne To9 Thue Te3lepathic Dorect Lune T0 Tne Tflepathic Doirect Luine T0o Tnhe
Diorect Liune To0 Thne Teflepathic Dkrect Linne Tl Tbe Trlepathic Dkirect Lie Tlo Tbhe Dikrect Lien Tol Thbe Terlepathic D8rect Lime Ti Tge T4lepathic
D8irect Limne Tio T4elepathic Di8rect Linme Toi Thge Te4lepathic Durect Lihe Tye Tdlepathic Duirect Lihne Tdelepathic Diurect Linhe Thye Tedlepathic
Dirrect Lije Thee Twlepathic Diect Th Twelepathic Dierct Linje The Tewlepathic Didect Libe Ths Tellepathic Didrect Libne Thse Teepathic
Dirdect Linbe Thes Teelpathic Di4ect Linee Th3 Tekepathic Di4rect Lin Th3e Teklepathic Dir4ect Line The3 Telkepathic Digect Lins Thf Teoepathic
Digrect Linse Thfe Teolepathic Dirgect Lines Thef Teloepathic Ditect Lin3 Thr Tepepathic Ditrect Lin3e Thre Teplepathic Dirtect Line3 Ther Telpepathic
Di5ect Linf Th4 Teleepathic Di5rect Linfe Th4e Telpathic Dir5ect Linef The4 Telpeathic Difect Linr Thd Telspathic Difrect Linre Thde Telsepathic
Dirfect Liner Thed Telespathic Dieect Lin4 Thw Tel3pathic Dierect Lin4e Thwe Tel3epathic Direect Line4 Thew Tele3pathic Lind Telfpathic
Dirct Linde Telfepathic Dircet Lined Telefpathic Dirsct Linw Telrpathic Dirsect Linwe Telrepathic Diresct Linew Telerpathic
Dir3ct Tel4pathic Dir3ect Tel4epathic Dire3ct Tele4pathic Dirfct Teldpathic Teldepathic
Direfct Teledpathic Dirrct Telwpathic Telwepathic Direrct Telewpathic Dir4ct Teleppathic
Teleathic Dire4ct Teleapthic Dirdct Tele0athic Tele0pathic Diredct Telep0athic
Dirwct Telelathic Dirwect Telelpathic Direwct Teleplathic Direcct Teleoathic Diret Teleopathic
Diretc Telepoathic

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