Kate Ryan
Lift Me Higher

Follow the sound that is far away
Cause the love that I found
Becomes stronger everyday

Please take my hand so we can fly away
Then you¹ll understand
That the love I have for you will always stay.
Can¹t we fly away

Reach your hand and follow me
Let me be your fantasy
Lift me higher now
Lift me higher now

Let the music take control
Of your body and your soul
Lift me higher now
Lift me higher now

Mirror lyrics:

Lift me higher now
Lift me higher now
Of your body and your soul
Let the music take control

Lift me higher now
Lift me higher now
Let me be your fantasy
Reach your hand and follow me

Can¹t we fly away
That the love I have for you will always stay.
Then you¹ll understand
Please take my hand so we can fly away

Becomes stronger everyday
Cause the love that I found
Follow the sound that is far away

Relevant Tags:
LLift MMe HHigher ift e igher iLft eM iHgher kift je jigher kLift jMe jHigher Lkift Mje Hjigher oift ke uigher oLift kMe uHigher
Loift Mke Huigher pift ne nigher pLift nMe nHigher Lpift Mne Hnigher Liift Mee bigher Lft M bHigher Lfit Me Hbigher Ljft Ms gigher
Ljift Mse gHigher Lijft Mes Hgigher L9ft M3 yigher L9ift M3e yHigher Li9ft Me3 Hyigher Llft Mf Hiigher Llift Mfe Hgher Lilft Mef Hgiher
Loft Mr Hjgher Mre Lioft Mer Hijgher Lkft M4 H9gher M4e H9igher Likft Me4 Hi9gher L8ft Md Hlgher L8ift Mde Hligher
Li8ft Med Hilgher Luft Mw Hogher Luift Mwe Hoigher Liuft Mew Hiogher Lifft Hkgher Lit Hkigher Litf Hikgher Lict H8gher
Licft H8igher Lifct Hi8gher Lirt Hugher Lirft Lifrt Hiugher Ligt Higgher Ligft Hiher Lifgt Hihger
Litt Hihher Litft Hihgher Liftt Highher Livt Hiyher Livft Hiygher Lifvt Higyher Lidt Hibher Lidft Hibgher
Lifdt Higbher Hivher Lif Hivgher Lift Higvher Liff Hifher Hifgher

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