Katelyn Tarver
Something In Me

At the end of my street
That's where we all meet
Talk about nothin nowhere to go
You're into that scene
But inside I could scream
It's a desert where nothin can grow
I would stay here if I could
But I know it would do no good
Maybe someday you will understand

Something in me wants to reach with both hands
Go over the edge and see where I land
Something in me wants to know what's out there
It's something that I've gotta do
It's not you it's something in me

You're bathed in the light
Each night after night
Watching your life pass you by
I know you had your dreams
But now it just seems
You've settled for less why should I
I know you're scared that I'll get hurt
But don't you think it's so much worse
To give it up before you even try

If I listen to my voice
it leaves me no choice
I would stay here if I could
But I know it would do no good
Maybe someday you will understand

Mirror lyrics:

Maybe someday you will understand
But I know it would do no good
I would stay here if I could
it leaves me no choice
If I listen to my voice

To give it up before you even try
But don't you think it's so much worse
I know you're scared that I'll get hurt
You've settled for less why should I
But now it just seems
I know you had your dreams
Watching your life pass you by
Each night after night
You're bathed in the light

It's not you it's something in me
It's something that I've gotta do
Something in me wants to know what's out there
Go over the edge and see where I land
Something in me wants to reach with both hands

Maybe someday you will understand
But I know it would do no good
I would stay here if I could
It's a desert where nothin can grow
But inside I could scream
You're into that scene
Talk about nothin nowhere to go
That's where we all meet
At the end of my street

Relevant Tags:
SSomething IIn MMe omething n e oSmething nI eM zomething jn je zSomething jIn jMe Szomething Ijn Mje womething 9n ke
wSomething 9In kMe Swomething I9n Mke domething ln ne dSomething lIn nMe Sdomething Iln Mne eomething on Mee eSomething oIn M
Seomething Ion Me xomething kn Ms xSomething kIn Mse Sxomething Ikn Mes aomething 8n M3 aSomething 8In M3e Saomething I8n Me3
Soomething un Mf Smething uIn Mfe Smoething Iun Mef Skmething Inn Mr Skomething I Mre Sokmething In Mer S9mething Im M4
S9omething Imn M4e So9mething Inm Me4 S0mething Ih Md S0omething Ihn Mde So0mething Inh Med Slmething Ij Mw Slomething Mwe
Solmething Inj Mew Simething Ib Siomething Ibn Soimething Inb Sommething Soething Soemthing
Sojething Sojmething Somjething Sokething Somkething Sonething Sonmething
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Som3thing Som3ething Some3thing Somfthing Somfething Somefthing Somrthing
Somrething Somerthing Som4thing Som4ething Some4thing Somdthing Somdething
Somedthing Somwthing Somwething Somewthing Sometthing Somehing Somehting
Somefhing Sometfhing Some5hing Some5thing Somet5hing Somehhing

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