Kate Havnevik
Travel In Time

Strange how it can be
Dark for you is dawn for me
Time has intervened
Summer wind is autumn breeze

Can I meet you in between?
Will you be there?
Let me hold you
Sight unseen
Still in the air

At the fall of night
Realise how much I miss you
Move from dark to light
I travel time to softly kiss you

Can I meet you in between?
Will you be there?
Let me hold you
Sight unseen
Still in the air


Will you meet me in between?
I will be there
Come and hold me
Sight unseen
Still in the air

Strange how it can be
Time has intervened

Mirror lyrics:

Time has intervened
Strange how it can be

Still in the air
Sight unseen
Come and hold me
I will be there
Will you meet me in between?


Still in the air
Sight unseen
Let me hold you
Will you be there?
Can I meet you in between?

I travel time to softly kiss you
Move from dark to light
Realise how much I miss you
At the fall of night

Still in the air
Sight unseen
Let me hold you
Will you be there?
Can I meet you in between?

Summer wind is autumn breeze
Time has intervened
Dark for you is dawn for me
Strange how it can be

Relevant Tags:
TTravel IIn TTime ravel n ime rTavel nI iTme fravel jn fime fTravel jIn fTime Tfravel Ijn Tfime 5ravel 9n 5ime 5Travel 9In 5Time
T5ravel I9n T5ime hravel ln hime hTravel lIn hTime Thravel Iln Thime yravel on yime yTravel oIn yTime Tyravel Ion Tyime 6ravel kn 6ime
6Travel kIn 6Time T6ravel Ikn T6ime gravel 8n gime gTravel 8In gTime Tgravel I8n Tgime rravel un rime rTravel uIn rTime Trravel Iun Trime
Inn Tiime Tavel I Tme Tarvel In Tmie Tdavel Im Tjme Tdravel Imn Tjime Trdavel Inm Tijme T4avel Ih T9me T4ravel Ihn T9ime
Tr4avel Inh Ti9me Tgavel Ij Tlme Tlime Trgavel Inj Tilme Ttavel Ib Tome Ttravel Ibn Toime Trtavel Inb Tiome T5avel Tkme
Tkime Tr5avel Tikme Tfavel T8me T8ime Trfavel Ti8me Teavel Tume Teravel Tuime Treavel Tiume
Traavel Timme Trvel Tie Trvael Tiem Trzvel Tije Trzavel Trazvel Timje Trqvel Tike Trqavel

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