Kate Bush
Delius (song Of Summer)

Ooh, he's a moody old man.
Song of summer in his hand.
Ooh, he's a moody old man.
...in...in...in his hand.
...in his hand.


Ooh, ah, ooh, ah,
Delius amat.
Genius, ooh.

To be sung of a summer night on the water.
Ooh, on the water.

"Ta, ta-ta!
Ta, ta-ta!
In B, Fenby!"

To be sung of a summer night on the water
Ooh, on the water.
On the water.

Mirror lyrics:

On the water.
Ooh, on the water.
To be sung of a summer night on the water

In B, Fenby!"
Ta, ta-ta!
"Ta, ta-ta!

Ooh, on the water.
To be sung of a summer night on the water.

Genius, ooh.
Delius amat.
Ooh, ah, ooh, ah,


...in his hand.
...in...in...in his hand.
Ooh, he's a moody old man.
Song of summer in his hand.
Ooh, he's a moody old man.

Relevant Tags:
DDelius ((song OOf SSummer) elius song f ummer) eDlius s(ong fO uSmmer) xelius (ssong kf zummer) xDelius (ong kOf zSummer) Dxelius (osng Okf Szummer)
eelius (zong 9f wummer) eDelius (zsong 9Of wSummer) Deelius (szong O9f Swummer) felius (wong 0f dummer) fDelius (wsong 0Of dSummer) Dfelius (swong O0f Sdummer)
relius (dong lf eummer) rDelius (dsong lOf eSummer) Drelius (sdong Olf Seummer) celius (eong if xummer) cDelius (esong iOf xSummer) Dcelius (seong Oif Sxummer)
selius (xong Off aummer) sDelius (xsong O aSummer) Dselius (sxong Of Saummer) (aong Oc Suummer) Dlius (asong Ocf Smmer) Dleius (saong Ofc Smumer)
Dslius (soong Or Shmmer) (sng Orf Shummer) Deslius (snog Ofr Suhmmer) D3lius (skng Og S7mmer) D3elius (skong Ogf S7ummer) De3lius (sokng Ofg Su7mmer)
Dflius (s9ng Ot Skmmer) (s9ong Otf Skummer) Deflius (so9ng Oft Sukmmer) Drlius (s0ng Ov Simmer) (s0ong Ovf Siummer) Derlius (so0ng Ofv Suimmer)
D4lius (slng Od S8mmer) D4elius (slong Odf S8ummer) De4lius (solng Ofd Su8mmer) Ddlius (sing Sjmmer) Ddelius (siong Sjummer) Dedlius (soing Sujmmer)
Dwlius (sonng Symmer) Dwelius (sog Syummer) Dewlius (sogn Suymmer) Dellius (somg Summmer) Deius (somng Sumer) Deilus (sonmg Summer)
Dekius (sohg Sujmer) Deklius (sohng Delkius (sonhg Sumjmer) Deoius (sojg Sukmer) Deolius (sojng Deloius (sonjg Sumkmer)
Depius (sobg Sunmer) Deplius (sobng Sunmmer) Delpius (sonbg Sumnmer)

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