Kathie Lee
Love Never Fails

There will be those times we fight back tears
And there will be those times when we get scared
As Long as we're together we'll get there
Cause love never fails
Love never fails

Verse 1
I have all that I need
So much so I feel weak
Cause the love we have is never ending
All those moments we make
Are too precious to waste
In a world that is forever changing
I wouldn't change you for anything
I'll be forever loving you

There will be those times we fight back tears
And there will be those times when we get scared
As Long as we're together we'll get there
Cause love never fails
Love never fails

Verse 2
Asllep or awake
No, there's never a day
That goes by when I don't think about you
Only you touched my life
For the very first time
I'd be lost baby without you
I wouldn't change you for anything
I'll be forever loving you

There will be those times we fight back tears
And there will be those times when we get scared
As Long as we're together we'll get there
Cause love never fails
Love never fails

There's no greater gift
Than the love that you breathe
Forever hold me
Many rivers to cross
But our love will guide us
It's all we need
It's all we need

Chorus 2
There will be those times
When we test our faith
On some other roads
We have to take
We'll always find our way
Cause love never fails

Mirror lyrics:

Cause love never fails
We'll always find our way
We have to take
On some other roads
When we test our faith
There will be those times
Chorus 2

It's all we need
It's all we need
But our love will guide us
Many rivers to cross
Forever hold me
Than the love that you breathe
There's no greater gift

Love never fails
Cause love never fails
As Long as we're together we'll get there
And there will be those times when we get scared
There will be those times we fight back tears

I'll be forever loving you
I wouldn't change you for anything
I'd be lost baby without you
For the very first time
Only you touched my life
That goes by when I don't think about you
No, there's never a day
Asllep or awake
Verse 2

Love never fails
Cause love never fails
As Long as we're together we'll get there
And there will be those times when we get scared
There will be those times we fight back tears

I'll be forever loving you
I wouldn't change you for anything
In a world that is forever changing
Are too precious to waste
All those moments we make
Cause the love we have is never ending
So much so I feel weak
I have all that I need
Verse 1

Love never fails
Cause love never fails
As Long as we're together we'll get there
And there will be those times when we get scared
There will be those times we fight back tears

Relevant Tags:
LLove NNever FFails ove ever ails oLve eNver aFils kove mever cails kLove mNever cFails Lkove Nmever Fcails oove hever rails
oLove hNever rFails Loove Nhever Frails pove jever gails pLove jNever gFails Lpove Njever Fgails bever tails Lve bNever tFails
Lvoe Nbever Ftails Lkve Neever vails Nver vFails Lokve Nveer Fvails L9ve Nsver dails L9ove Nsever dFails Lo9ve Nesver Fdails
L0ve N3ver Faails L0ove N3ever Fils Lo0ve Ne3ver Fials Llve Nfver Fzils Llove Nfever Fzails Lolve Nefver Fazils Live Nrver Fqils
Liove Nrever Fqails Loive Nerver Faqils Lovve N4ver Fsils Loe N4ever Fsails Loev Ne4ver Fasils Lobe Ndver Fwils Lobve Ndever Fwails
Lovbe Nedver Fawils Loce Nwver Fxils Locve Nwever Fxails Lovce Newver Faxils Loge Nevver Faiils Logve Neer Fals Lovge Neevr Falis
Lofe Neber Fajls Lofve Nebver Fajils Lovfe Nevber Faijls Lovee Necer Fa9ls Lov Necver Fa9ils Love Nevcer Fai9ls

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