Kathie Lee
We Don't Make Love (anymore)

Verse 1
We make coffee
Make polite conversations
Make plans for the day
And our summer vacation
Make reservations for dinner with friends
We make allowances
We make amends
We make time for the things that don't matter
We make do
Make idle chatter
Make every effort to make the future secure
But we don't make love anymore

How did the inches grow into the miles?
How did the silence, silence the sound?
How did we stumble
When we once were so sure?
We don't make love anymore

Verse 2
We make a promise
We know we can't keep
We make progress
But the hurt is too deep
We make mistakes
We've made too often before
But we don't make love anymore

How did the inches grow into the miles?
How did the silence, silence the sound?
How did we stumble
When we once were so sure?
We don't make love anymore

Verse 3
We make light of a bad situation
We make a point to avoid confrontation
We make predictions on what is in store
But we don't make love anymore
We making a living
But we're living a lie
And I can't make myself
Stop asking why?
If we're not here for love
What are we living for?
We don't make love anymore
We don't make love

And it's time that things start to change
And I'm tired of it all

Mirror lyrics:

And I'm tired of it all
And it's time that things start to change

We don't make love
We don't make love anymore
What are we living for?
If we're not here for love
Stop asking why?
And I can't make myself
But we're living a lie
We making a living
But we don't make love anymore
We make predictions on what is in store
We make a point to avoid confrontation
We make light of a bad situation
Verse 3

We don't make love anymore
When we once were so sure?
How did we stumble
How did the silence, silence the sound?
How did the inches grow into the miles?

But we don't make love anymore
We've made too often before
We make mistakes
But the hurt is too deep
We make progress
We know we can't keep
We make a promise
Verse 2

We don't make love anymore
When we once were so sure?
How did we stumble
How did the silence, silence the sound?
How did the inches grow into the miles?

But we don't make love anymore
Make every effort to make the future secure
Make idle chatter
We make do
We make time for the things that don't matter
We make amends
We make allowances
Make reservations for dinner with friends
And our summer vacation
Make plans for the day
Make polite conversations
We make coffee
Verse 1

Relevant Tags:
WWe DDon't MMake LLove ((anymore) e on't ake ove anymore) eW oDn't aMke oLve a(nymore) ae xon't jake kove (aanymore) aWe xDon't jMake kLove (nymore)
Wae Dxon't Mjake Lkove (naymore) 3e eon't kake oove (znymore) 3We eDon't kMake oLove (zanymore) W3e Deon't Mkake Loove (aznymore) de fon't nake pove (qnymore)
dWe fDon't nMake pLove (qanymore) Wde Dfon't Mnake Lpove (aqnymore) ee ron't Maake (snymore) eWe rDon't Mke Lve (sanymore) Wee Dron't Mkae Lvoe (asnymore)
se con't Mzke Lkve (wnymore) sWe cDon't Mzake (wanymore) Wse Dcon't Mazke Lokve (awnymore) 2e son't Mqke L9ve (xnymore) 2We sDon't Mqake L9ove (xanymore)
W2e Dson't Maqke Lo9ve (axnymore) qe Doon't Mske L0ve (annymore) qWe Dn't Msake L0ove (aymore) Wqe Dno't Maske Lo0ve (aynmore) Dkn't Mwke Llve (amymore)
W Dkon't Mwake Llove (amnymore) We Dokn't Mawke Lolve (anmymore) Ws D9n't Mxke Live (ahymore) D9on't Mxake Liove (ahnymore) Wes Do9n't Maxke Loive (anhymore)
W3 D0n't Makke Lovve (ajymore) D0on't Mae Loe (ajnymore) We3 Do0n't Maek Loev (anjymore) Wf Dln't Male Lobe (abymore) Wfe Dlon't Malke Lobve (abnymore)
Wef Doln't Makle Lovbe (anbymore) Wr Din't Maoe Loce (anyymore) Wre Dion't Maoke Locve (anmore) Wer Doin't Makoe Lovce (anmyore) W4 Donn't Mame Loge (angmore)
W4e Do't Mamke Logve (angymore) We4 Do'nt Makme Lovge (anygmore) Wd Dom't Maje Lofe (anhmore) Domn't Majke Lofve Wed Donm't Makje Lovfe (anyhmore)
Ww Doh't Maie Lovee (an6more) Wwe Dohn't Maike Lov (an6ymore) Wew Donh't Makie Love (any6more) Doj't Makee Lovs (anumore) Dojn't Mak Lovse (anuymore)
Donj't Make Loves (anyumore) Dob't Maks Lov3 (an7more) Dobn't Makse Lov3e (an7ymore) Donb't Makes Love3 (any7more) Don''t Mak3 Lovf (anjmore)
Dont Mak3e Dont' Make3 Lovef (anyjmore) Don'tt Makf Lovr (antmore) Don' Makfe Lovre (antymore) Don't Makef Lover (anytmore)
Don'f Makr Lov4 (anymmore) Don'ft Makre Lov4e (anyore) Don'tf Maker Love4 (anyomre) Don'5 Mak4 Lovd (anyjore) Don'5t Mak4e Lovde
Don't5 Make4 Loved (anymjore)

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