Bewildered In The City

Angelic friend, I watch you sparkle from afar
With spikes and dents
And a hundred thousand luminous arms
I wouldn't know how to find your exit doors
I wouldn't know how to stay and extract it all

You're the end of everything real
My longest lasting love

Meandering through your streets of maple shade oh
Caving in, deep beneath your ponderous blades
Your days are short
Your nights are smothered with exhaust
And framing lights
Burning up the homesick thoughts

In unison we vibrate and roar
Up somewhere on the forty third floor
An abundance of bewildering thoughts
It's you, it's you, it's you

You never listen or understand
Never to care if I'm here or there
I'm mole rushing blind through your nooks and veins
Curling up drunk in your vacant carpool lanes
it's you, it's you, it's you

You're the end of everything real
The silver cord to which I am reeled
In unison we vibrate and roar
My longest lasting love

Mirror lyrics:

My longest lasting love
In unison we vibrate and roar
The silver cord to which I am reeled
You're the end of everything real

it's you, it's you, it's you
Curling up drunk in your vacant carpool lanes
I'm mole rushing blind through your nooks and veins
Never to care if I'm here or there
You never listen or understand

It's you, it's you, it's you
An abundance of bewildering thoughts
Up somewhere on the forty third floor
In unison we vibrate and roar

Burning up the homesick thoughts
And framing lights
Your nights are smothered with exhaust
Your days are short
Caving in, deep beneath your ponderous blades
Meandering through your streets of maple shade oh

My longest lasting love
You're the end of everything real

I wouldn't know how to stay and extract it all
I wouldn't know how to find your exit doors
And a hundred thousand luminous arms
With spikes and dents
Angelic friend, I watch you sparkle from afar

Relevant Tags:
BBewildered IIn TThe CCity ewildered n he ity eBwildered nI hTe iCty vewildered jn fhe fity vBewildered jIn fThe fCity Bvewildered Ijn Tfhe Cfity
gewildered 9n 5he xity gBewildered 9In 5The xCity Bgewildered I9n T5he Cxity newildered ln hhe vity nBewildered lIn hThe vCity Bnewildered Iln Thhe Cvity
hewildered on yhe dity hBewildered oIn yThe dCity Bhewildered Ion Tyhe Cdity Beewildered kn 6he Ciity Bwildered kIn 6The Cty Bweildered Ikn T6he Ctiy
Bswildered 8n ghe Cjty Bsewildered 8In gThe Cjity Beswildered I8n Tghe Cijty B3wildered un rhe C9ty B3ewildered uIn rThe C9ity Be3wildered Iun Trhe Ci9ty
Bfwildered Inn Clty Bfewildered I Te Clity Befwildered In Teh Cilty Brwildered Im Tje Coty Brewildered Imn Tjhe Coity Berwildered Inm Thje Cioty
B4wildered Ih Tue Ckty B4ewildered Ihn Tuhe Ckity Be4wildered Inh Thue Cikty Bdwildered Ij Tne C8ty Bdewildered Tnhe C8ity Bedwildered Inj Thne Ci8ty
Bwwildered Ib Tbe Cuty Bwewildered Ibn Tbhe Cuity Bewwildered Inb Thbe Ciuty Tge Citty Beildered Ciy Beiwldered Thge Ciyt
Beaildered Tye Cify Beawildered Cifty Bewaildered Thye Citfy Be3ildered Thee Ci5y Th Ci5ty Bew3ildered The Cit5y
Bedildered Ths Cihy Thse Cihty Bewdildered Thes Cithy Beeildered Th3 Ciyy Th3e Ciyty Beweildered The3 Cityy
Besildered Thf Ci6y Thfe Ci6ty Bewsildered Thef Cit6y Be2ildered Thr Cigy Be2wildered Thre Cigty Bew2ildered Ther Citgy
Beqildered Th4 Ciry Beqwildered Th4e Cirty Bewqildered The4 Citry Bewiildered Thd Bewldered Thde Cit Bewlidered Thed City
Bewjldered Thw Citg Bewjildered Thwe Bewijldered Thew Cityg Bew9ldered Cith Bew9ildered Bewi9ldered Cityh
Bewlldered Cit6 Bewlildered Bewilldered City6 Bewoldered Citu Bewoildered Cituy Bewioldered Cityu
Bewkldered Cit7 Bewkildered Cit7y Bewikldered City7 Bew8ldered Citj Bew8ildered Citjy Bewi8ldered Cityj
Bewuldered Citt Bewuildered Bewiuldered Cityt Bewidered Bewidlered Bewikdered

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