Big Brown Bear (live Track)

The big brown bear,
Was found this morning,
In his lair,
With a hole in his fur,
Where life oozed away from,

Now the village is secure,
The kids are all bunkin' off again,
For the fearsome villain,
Is all long gone now,

The big brown bear heyy-hey-hey sent with loathing on his way,
The big brown bear heyy-hey-hey sent with loathing on his way

Mirror lyrics:

The big brown bear heyy-hey-hey sent with loathing on his way
The big brown bear heyy-hey-hey sent with loathing on his way,

Is all long gone now,
For the fearsome villain,
The kids are all bunkin' off again,
Now the village is secure,

Where life oozed away from,
With a hole in his fur,
In his lair,
Was found this morning,
The big brown bear,

Relevant Tags:
BBig BBrown BBear ((live TTrack) ig rown ear live rack) iBg rBown eBar l(ive rTack) vig vrown vear (llive frack) vBig vBrown vBear (ive fTrack)
Bvig Bvrown Bvear (ilve Tfrack) gig grown gear (kive 5rack) gBig gBrown gBear (klive 5Track) Bgig Bgrown Bgear (lkive T5rack) nig nrown near (oive hrack)
nBig nBrown nBear (olive hTrack) Bnig Bnrown Bnear (loive Thrack) hig hrown hear (pive yrack) hBig hBrown hBear (plive yTrack) Bhig Bhrown Bhear (lpive Tyrack)
Biig Brrown Beear (liive 6rack) Bg Bown Bar (lve 6Track) Bgi Borwn Baer (lvie T6rack) Bjg Bdown Bsar (ljve grack) Bjig Bdrown Bsear (ljive gTrack)
Bijg Brdown Besar (lijve Tgrack) B9g B4own B3ar (l9ve rrack) B9ig B4rown B3ear (l9ive rTrack) Bi9g Br4own Be3ar (li9ve Trrack) Blg Bgown Bfar (llve
Blig Bfear Tack) Bilg Brgown Befar (lilve Tarck) Bog Btown Brar (love Tdack) Boig Btrown Brear Tdrack) Biog Brtown Berar (liove Trdack)
Bkg B5own B4ar (lkve T4ack) Bkig B5rown B4ear T4rack) Bikg Br5own Be4ar (likve Tr4ack) B8g Bfown Bdar (l8ve Tgack) B8ig Bfrown Bdear (l8ive
Bi8g Brfown Bedar (li8ve Trgack) Bug Beown Bwar (luve Ttack) Buig Berown Bwear (luive Ttrack) Biug Breown Bewar (liuve Trtack) Bigg Broown Beaar (livve T5ack)
Bi Brwn Ber (lie Big Brwon Bera (liev Tr5ack) Bih Brkwn Bezr (libe Tfack) Bihg Brkown Bezar (libve Bigh Brokwn Beazr (livbe Trfack)
Biy Br9wn Beqr (lice Teack) Biyg Br9own Beqar (licve Terack) Bigy Bro9wn Beaqr (livce Treack) Bib Br0wn Besr (lige Traack)

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