Kasey Chambers
Southern Kind Of Life

I grew up a long way from here
I slept with the lights on for 15 years
And Sabbath kept me home on friday nights
And Daddy sang me Rogers
Just to make everything all right

My town wasn't even on the map
You could pass right through it in 20 seconds flat
But the south was like the whole world to me
Wasn't easy to stay but it was harder to leave

Yeah I was a south bound child
Yeah I had a small town life
But I turned out alright in the north
Living that southern kind of life

Old friends and bibles filled the house
No room for money and no money anyhow
Deprived was something we always heard
But to me and my brother it was just another word

I used to think the north was the end
Coz people go there and they don't come back again
But my father's father was a man of the sea
He lived the southern life 2 blocks away from me

Mirror lyrics:

He lived the southern life 2 blocks away from me
But my father's father was a man of the sea
Coz people go there and they don't come back again
I used to think the north was the end

But to me and my brother it was just another word
Deprived was something we always heard
No room for money and no money anyhow
Old friends and bibles filled the house

Living that southern kind of life
But I turned out alright in the north
Yeah I had a small town life
Yeah I was a south bound child

Wasn't easy to stay but it was harder to leave
But the south was like the whole world to me
You could pass right through it in 20 seconds flat
My town wasn't even on the map

Just to make everything all right
And Daddy sang me Rogers
And Sabbath kept me home on friday nights
I slept with the lights on for 15 years
I grew up a long way from here

Relevant Tags:
SSouthern KKind OOf LLife outhern ind f ife oSuthern iKnd fO iLfe zouthern lind kf kife zSouthern lKind kOf kLife Szouthern Klind Okf Lkife
wouthern oind 9f oife wSouthern oKind 9Of oLife Swouthern Koind O9f Loife douthern mind 0f pife dSouthern mKind 0Of pLife Sdouthern Kmind O0f Lpife
eouthern jind lf Liife eSouthern jKind lOf Lfe Seouthern Kjind Olf Lfie xouthern iind if Ljfe xSouthern iKind iOf Ljife Sxouthern Kiind Oif Lijfe
aouthern Off L9fe aSouthern Knd O L9ife Saouthern Knid Of Li9fe Soouthern Kjnd Oc Llfe Suthern Ocf Llife Suothern Kijnd Ofc Lilfe
Skuthern K9nd Or Lofe Skouthern K9ind Orf Sokuthern Ki9nd Ofr Liofe S9uthern Klnd Og Lkfe S9outhern Ogf So9uthern Kilnd Ofg Likfe
S0uthern Kond Ot L8fe S0outhern Otf L8ife So0uthern Kiond Oft Li8fe Sluthern Kknd Ov Lufe Slouthern Kkind Ovf Luife Soluthern Kiknd Ofv Liufe
Siuthern K8nd Od Liffe Siouthern K8ind Odf Lie Soiuthern Ki8nd Ofd Lief Souuthern Kund Lice Sothern Kuind Licfe Sotuhern Kiund Lifce
Sohthern Kinnd Lire Sohuthern Kid Lirfe Souhthern Kidn Lifre So7thern Kimd Lige So7uthern Kimnd Ligfe Sou7thern Kinmd Lifge
Sokthern Kihd Lite Kihnd Litfe Soukthern Kinhd Lifte Soithern Kijd Live Livfe Souithern Kinjd Lifve
So8thern Kibd Lide So8uthern Kibnd Lidfe Sou8thern Kinbd Lifde Sojthern Kindd Lifee Sojuthern Kin Lif Soujthern Kind Life
Soythern Kinx Lifs Soyuthern Kinxd Lifse Souythern Kindx Lifes Soutthern Kine Lif3 Souhern Kined Lif3e Souhtern Kinde Life3
Soufhern Kinf Liff Soufthern Kinfd Soutfhern Kindf Lifef Sou5hern Kinr Lifr Sou5thern Kinrd Sout5hern Kindr Lifer
Souhhern Kinc Lif4 Kincd Lif4e Southhern Kindc Life4 Souyhern Kins Lifd Kinsd Soutyhern Kinds Lifed
Sou6hern Lifw Sou6thern Lifwe

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