Kasey Chambers
Don't Talk Back

Well it's half my heart and a little bit of soul
That makes me feel I've gotta ride this road
I wouldn't change it if I could
And me and this road you know we've got an understanding
It won't leave me at home and I am
Too tired to do just what I should
And last night I asked if I could
Take comfort in the rosewood
The road said nothing at all
Coz it don't talk back unless the wind blows hard
I drive it all night with the wheel of my car
It won't leave me running for the door
And if the paints still wet I can just slow down
And it all goes away on the other side of town
And nothiing is that easy anymore

Well the hurt won't leave with the sight of white line
But it eases up the pain for a while
The only habit that I keep
And miles take time but the time is mine
And always moving suits me fine
I'll catch my breath when I sleep
And after all that I've done
I'm not half what I hoped that I'd become
There's still a long way to go

Mirror lyrics:

There's still a long way to go
I'm not half what I hoped that I'd become
And after all that I've done
I'll catch my breath when I sleep
And always moving suits me fine
And miles take time but the time is mine
The only habit that I keep
But it eases up the pain for a while
Well the hurt won't leave with the sight of white line

And nothiing is that easy anymore
And it all goes away on the other side of town
And if the paints still wet I can just slow down
It won't leave me running for the door
I drive it all night with the wheel of my car
Coz it don't talk back unless the wind blows hard
The road said nothing at all
Take comfort in the rosewood
And last night I asked if I could
Too tired to do just what I should
It won't leave me at home and I am
And me and this road you know we've got an understanding
I wouldn't change it if I could
That makes me feel I've gotta ride this road
Well it's half my heart and a little bit of soul

Relevant Tags:
DDon't TTalk BBack on't alk ack oDn't aTlk aBck xon't falk vack xDon't fTalk vBack Dxon't Tfalk Bvack eon't 5alk gack
eDon't 5Talk gBack Deon't T5alk Bgack fon't halk nack fDon't hTalk nBack Dfon't Thalk Bnack ron't yalk hack rDon't yTalk hBack
Dron't Tyalk Bhack con't 6alk Baack cDon't 6Talk Bck Dcon't T6alk Bcak son't galk Bzck sDon't gTalk Bzack Dson't Tgalk Bazck
Doon't ralk Bqck Dn't rTalk Bqack Dno't Tralk Baqck Dkn't Taalk Bsck Dkon't Tlk Bsack Dokn't Tlak Basck D9n't Tzlk Bwck
D9on't Tzalk Bwack Do9n't Tazlk Bawck D0n't Tqlk Bxck D0on't Tqalk Bxack Do0n't Taqlk Baxck Dln't Tslk Bacck Dlon't Tsalk Bak
Doln't Taslk Bakc Din't Twlk Bafk Dion't Twalk Bafck Doin't Tawlk Bacfk Donn't Txlk Baxk Do't Txalk

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