Seek & Destroy

Seek and destroy all you have cos I know
Brother your fears and my tears cos you know
And all I have now is being here with you

Seek and destroy all you have cas I know
Cos I know know right now
They will never be tuning in
To what we know

And all I have now is being here with you
Cover your fear it's all we know
Cover your fear it's all we know
And all I have now
Is being here with you

Mirror lyrics:

Is being here with you
And all I have now
Cover your fear it's all we know
Cover your fear it's all we know
And all I have now is being here with you

To what we know
They will never be tuning in
Cos I know know right now
Seek and destroy all you have cas I know

And all I have now is being here with you
Brother your fears and my tears cos you know
Seek and destroy all you have cos I know

Relevant Tags:
SSeek && DDestroy eek estroy eSek & eDstroy zeek xestroy zSeek xDestroy Szeek Dxestroy week eestroy wSeek eDestroy
Sweek Deestroy deek festroy dSeek fDestroy Sdeek Dfestroy eeek restroy eSeek rDestroy Seeek Drestroy xeek cestroy
xSeek cDestroy Sxeek Dcestroy aeek sestroy aSeek sDestroy Saeek Dsestroy Sek Dstroy Seek Dsetroy Ssek Dsstroy
Sseek Sesek Desstroy S3ek D3stroy S3eek D3estroy Se3ek De3stroy Sfek Dfstroy Sfeek Sefek Defstroy
Srek Drstroy Sreek Serek Derstroy S4ek D4stroy S4eek D4estroy Se4ek De4stroy Sdek Ddstroy Ddestroy
Sedek Dedstroy Swek Dwstroy Dwestroy Sewek Dewstroy Detroy Seke Detsroy Sesk Deztroy Dezstroy
Seesk Desztroy Se3k Dewtroy See3k Deswtroy Sefk Dedtroy Seefk Desdtroy Serk Deetroy Seerk Desetroy Se4k Dextroy
Dexstroy See4k Desxtroy Sedk Deatroy Deastroy Seedk Desatroy Sewk Desttroy Desroy Seewk Desrtoy
Seekk Desfroy See Desftroy Destfroy

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