Secret Alphabets

This is the end of the tracks
Where the fountains
Fly into your eye
Nobody's hurting and nobody's crying
They fly into your eye
Never to die...

They say the man he used to sail on his journey
And laid a trap to rob
The pilgrims for their money
He placed his gold all over this world

And in morning as he looked out over Cairo
He makes his process
And his smoked them in a barrel
He could not die
And we never found out why

This is the end of the tracks
Where the fountains
fly into your eye
Nobody's hurting and nobody's crying
They fly into your eye
Never to...

This is the end of the tracks
Where the fountains
Climb into your eye
Nobody's hurting and nobody's crying
They fly into your eye
Never to die...

No one's getting older
Everybody's feeling young
Journey's almost over now
There's hope for everyone

This is the end of the tracks
Where the fountains close
(This is the end of time)
This is the end of the tracks
Where the fountains close
(This is the end of our life)

Mirror lyrics:

(This is the end of our life)
Where the fountains close
This is the end of the tracks
(This is the end of time)
Where the fountains close
This is the end of the tracks

There's hope for everyone
Journey's almost over now
Everybody's feeling young
No one's getting older

Never to die...
They fly into your eye
Nobody's hurting and nobody's crying
Climb into your eye
Where the fountains
This is the end of the tracks

Never to...
They fly into your eye
Nobody's hurting and nobody's crying
fly into your eye
Where the fountains
This is the end of the tracks

And we never found out why
He could not die
And his smoked them in a barrel
He makes his process
And in morning as he looked out over Cairo

He placed his gold all over this world
The pilgrims for their money
And laid a trap to rob
They say the man he used to sail on his journey

Never to die...
They fly into your eye
Nobody's hurting and nobody's crying
Fly into your eye
Where the fountains
This is the end of the tracks

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wSecret qAlphabets Swecret Aqlphabets decret slphabets dSecret sAlphabets Sdecret Aslphabets eecret wlphabets eSecret wAlphabets
Seecret Awlphabets xecret xlphabets xSecret xAlphabets Sxecret Axlphabets aecret Allphabets aSecret Aphabets Saecret Aplhabets
Akphabets Scret Aklphabets Sceret Alkphabets Sscret Aophabets Ssecret Aolphabets Sescret Alophabets S3cret Apphabets
S3ecret Aplphabets Se3cret Alpphabets Sfcret Sfecret Alhabets Sefcret Alhpabets Srcret Al0habets Srecret Al0phabets
Sercret Alp0habets S4cret Allhabets S4ecret Se4cret Alplhabets Sdcret Alohabets Sedcret Alpohabets Swcret Alphhabets
Alpabets Sewcret Alpahbets Seccret Alpjabets Seret Alpjhabets Sercet Alphjabets Sefret Alpuabets Alpuhabets
Secfret Alphuabets Sexret Alpnabets Sexcret Alpnhabets Secxret Alphnabets Sevret Alpbabets Sevcret Alpbhabets Secvret Alphbabets
Sedret Alpgabets Alpghabets Secdret Alphgabets Secrret Alpyabets Secet Alpyhabets Secert Alphyabets Secdet Alphaabets
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