K Ci & Jojo
Mama I' M Coming Home

Mama, I'm Coming Home

Times have changed and times are strange
Here I come, but I ain't the same
Mama, I'm coming home
Times gone by seem to be
You could have been a better friend to me
Mama, I'm coming home

You took me in and you drove me out
Yeah, you had me hypnotized
Lost and found and turned aroound
By the fire in your eyes

You made me cry, you told me lies
But I can't stand to say goodbye
Mama, I'm coming home
I could be right, I could be wrong
Hurts so bad, it's been so long
Mama, I'm coming home

Selfish love yeah we're both alone

The ride before the fall
But I'm gonna take this heart of stone
I just got to have it all

I've seen your face a hundred times
Everyday we've been apart
I don't care about the sunshine, yeah
'Cause Mama, Mama, I'm coming home
I'm coming home

You took me in and you drove me out
Yeah, you had me hypnotized
Lost and found and turned around
By the fire in your eyes


I'm coming home

Mirror lyrics:

I'm coming home


By the fire in your eyes
Lost and found and turned around
Yeah, you had me hypnotized
You took me in and you drove me out

I'm coming home
'Cause Mama, Mama, I'm coming home
I don't care about the sunshine, yeah
Everyday we've been apart
I've seen your face a hundred times

I just got to have it all
But I'm gonna take this heart of stone
The ride before the fall

Selfish love yeah we're both alone

Mama, I'm coming home
Hurts so bad, it's been so long
I could be right, I could be wrong
Mama, I'm coming home
But I can't stand to say goodbye
You made me cry, you told me lies

By the fire in your eyes
Lost and found and turned aroound
Yeah, you had me hypnotized
You took me in and you drove me out

Mama, I'm coming home
You could have been a better friend to me
Times gone by seem to be
Mama, I'm coming home
Here I come, but I ain't the same
Times have changed and times are strange

Mama, I'm Coming Home

Relevant Tags:
MMama II' MM CComing HHome ama ' oming ome aMma 'I M oCming oHme jama j' j foming jome jMama jI' jM fComing jHome Mjama Ij' Mj Cfoming Hjome
kama 9' k xoming uome kMama 9I' kM xComing uHome Mkama I9' Mk Cxoming Huome nama l' n voming nome nMama lI' nM vComing nHome Mnama Il' Mn Cvoming Hnome
Maama o' doming bome Mma oI' dComing bHome Mmaa Io' Cdoming Hbome Mzma k' Cooming gome Mzama kI' Cming gHome Mazma Ik' Cmoing Hgome
Mqma 8' Ckming yome Mqama 8I' Ckoming yHome Maqma I8' Cokming Hyome Msma u' C9ming Hoome Msama uI' C9oming Hme Masma Iu' Co9ming Hmoe
Mwma I'' C0ming Hkme Mwama I C0oming Hkome Mawma I' Co0ming Hokme Mxma Clming H9me Mxama Cloming H9ome Maxma Colming Ho9me
Mamma Ciming H0me Maa Cioming H0ome Maam Coiming Ho0me Maja Comming Hlme Majma Coing Hlome Mamja Coimng Holme
Maka Cojing Hime Makma Cojming Hiome Mamka Comjing Hoime Mana Coking Homme Manma Hoe Mamna Comking Hoem
Mamaa Coning Hoje Mam Conming Hojme Mama Comning Homje Mamz Comiing Hoke Mamza Comng Mamaz Comnig Homke
Mamq Comjng Hone Mamqa Honme

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