As Long As There's Christmas (3 Person Version)

Person 2: As long as
Person 3: There's Christmas
Person 1: I truely
Person 3: Believe
Person 1: Hope is the greatest ("greatest" is echoed by Persons 2 and 3)
Person 1: Thing I've ever seen

(Snap 1-2-ready-begin)

Person 1: As long as there is Christmas
Person 2: I truely believe (echoed by person 3)
Person 2: Hope is the greatest
Person 3: Thing I've ever seen

Person 2: Oo-hoo-hoo
Person 3: Oo-hoo-hoo
Person 1: Oo-hoo Woo-hoo-hoo-oo-hoo (followed/echoed by persons 2 and 3)

Mirror lyrics:

Person 1: Oo-hoo Woo-hoo-hoo-oo-hoo (followed/echoed by persons 2 and 3)
Person 3: Oo-hoo-hoo
Person 2: Oo-hoo-hoo

Person 3: Thing I've ever seen
Person 2: Hope is the greatest
Person 2: I truely believe (echoed by person 3)
Person 1: As long as there is Christmas

(Snap 1-2-ready-begin)

Person 1: Thing I've ever seen
Person 1: Hope is the greatest ("greatest" is echoed by Persons 2 and 3)
Person 3: Believe
Person 1: I truely
Person 3: There's Christmas
Person 2: As long as

Relevant Tags:
AAs LLong AAs TThere's CChristmas ((3 PPerson VVersion) s ong s here's hristmas 3 erson ersion) sA oLng sA hTere's hCristmas 3( ePrson eVrsion)
zs kong zs fhere's fhristmas (33 0erson bersion) zAs kLong zAs fThere's fChristmas ( 0Person bVersion) Azs Lkong Azs Tfhere's Cfhristmas (3 P0erson Vbersion)
qs oong qs 5here's xhristmas (4 lerson cersion) qAs oLong qAs 5There's xChristmas (43 lPerson cVersion) Aqs Loong Aqs T5here's Cxhristmas (34 Plerson Vcersion)
ss pong ss hhere's vhristmas (w oerson gersion) sAs pLong sAs hThere's vChristmas (w3 oPerson gVersion) Ass Lpong Ass Thhere's Cvhristmas (3w Poerson Vgersion)
ws ws yhere's dhristmas (e Peerson fersion) wAs Lng wAs yThere's dChristmas (e3 Prson fVersion) Aws Lnog Aws Tyhere's Cdhristmas (3e Preson Vfersion)
xs Lkng xs 6here's Chhristmas (2 Psrson Veersion) xAs xAs 6There's Cristmas (23 Pserson Vrsion) Axs Lokng Axs T6here's Crhistmas (32 Pesrson Vresion)
L9ng ghere's Cjristmas P3rson Vsrsion) A L9ong A gThere's Cjhristmas P3erson Vsersion) As Lo9ng As Tghere's Chjristmas Pe3rson Vesrsion)
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