Five Tears From A Carpenter's Eye For Detail

What is it like? What's you're defense?
One of you says look at this glass,
it's half empty, One of you says
look at this carafe, it is half full
like two nuts in a jar arguing over their origin,
we have insight
to see they are brothers born of the same shell,
cast in (the jar) by fate,

still they bicker like strangers, fight like old friends,
I would like to tell them, hey look at you and him,
will not the same fate overtake both of you?
From the soil you came, and to soil you'll return.

blast the folly of humans, if only they could see their shell,
still they argue like nuts (stuck) in a jar,
and look to the lid as they kill, claw, and scream,

Madam officer, lord or whoever, are we safe, can you say,
as the sky shouts back, if you want life back,
segregate (relegate) selfish ways
because currently you're spelling “our lives” without
the r, u, l, e, s and the v, o, i

to find the rules
governing our value of investment in each other,
simply grab the words and read,
and I bet you will lose all your need to scream

sunlight on hillsides, our minds make the matter
as up steps, we'll climb ethereal ladders
so inscribe in stone a statement of surrender
with a quill forged of light

Mirror lyrics:

with a quill forged of light
so inscribe in stone a statement of surrender
as up steps, we'll climb ethereal ladders
sunlight on hillsides, our minds make the matter

and I bet you will lose all your need to scream
simply grab the words and read,
governing our value of investment in each other,
to find the rules

the r, u, l, e, s and the v, o, i
because currently you're spelling “our lives” without
segregate (relegate) selfish ways
as the sky shouts back, if you want life back,
Madam officer, lord or whoever, are we safe, can you say,

and look to the lid as they kill, claw, and scream,
still they argue like nuts (stuck) in a jar,
blast the folly of humans, if only they could see their shell,

From the soil you came, and to soil you'll return.
will not the same fate overtake both of you?
I would like to tell them, hey look at you and him,
still they bicker like strangers, fight like old friends,

cast in (the jar) by fate,
to see they are brothers born of the same shell,
we have insight
like two nuts in a jar arguing over their origin,
look at this carafe, it is half full
it's half empty, One of you says
One of you says look at this glass,
What is it like? What's you're defense?

Relevant Tags:
FFive TTears FFrom AA CCarpenter's EEye FFor DDetail ive ears rom arpenter's ye or etail iFve eTars rFom A aCrpenter's yEe oFr eDtail
cive fears crom z farpenter's sye cor xetail cFive fTears cFrom zA fCarpenter's sEye cFor xDetail Fcive Tfears Fcrom Az Cfarpenter's Esye Fcor Dxetail
rive 5ears rrom q xarpenter's 3ye ror eetail rFive 5Tears rFrom qA xCarpenter's 3Eye rFor eDetail Frive T5ears Frrom Aq Cxarpenter's E3ye Fror Deetail
give hears grom s varpenter's fye gor fetail gFive hTears gFrom sA vCarpenter's fEye gFor fDetail Fgive Thears Fgrom As Cvarpenter's Efye Fgor Dfetail
tive years trom w darpenter's rye tor retail tFive yTears tFrom wA dCarpenter's rEye tFor rDetail Ftive Tyears Ftrom Aw Cdarpenter's Erye Ftor Dretail
vive 6ears vrom x Caarpenter's 4ye vor cetail vFive 6Tears vFrom xA Crpenter's 4Eye vFor cDetail Fvive T6ears Fvrom Ax Crapenter's E4ye Fvor Dcetail
dive gears drom Czrpenter's dye dor setail dFive gTears dFrom Czarpenter's dEye dFor sDetail Fdive Tgears Fdrom Cazrpenter's Edye Fdor Dsetail
Fiive rears Cqrpenter's wye Foor Fve rTears Fom Cqarpenter's wEye Fr Dtail Fvie Trears Form Caqrpenter's Ewye Fro Dteail
Fjve Teears Fdom Csrpenter's Eyye Fkr Dstail Fjive Tars Csarpenter's Ee Fkor Fijve Taers Frdom Casrpenter's Eey Fokr Destail
F9ve Tsars F4om Cwrpenter's Ege F9r D3tail F9ive Tsears F4rom Cwarpenter's Egye F9or D3etail Fi9ve Tesars Fr4om Cawrpenter's Eyge Fo9r De3tail
Flve T3ars Fgom Cxrpenter's Ehe F0r Dftail Flive T3ears Ehye F0or Filve Te3ars Frgom Caxrpenter's Eyhe Fo0r Deftail
Fove Tfars Ftom Carrpenter's E6e Flr Drtail Foive Capenter's E6ye Flor Fiove Tefars Frtom Caprenter's Ey6e Folr Dertail
Fkve Trars F5om Cadpenter's Eue Fir D4tail Fkive F5rom Cadrpenter's Euye Fior D4etail Fikve Terars Fr5om Cardpenter's Eyue Foir De4tail
F8ve T4ars Ffom Ca4penter's E7e Forr Ddtail F8ive T4ears Ffrom Ca4rpenter's E7ye Fo Ddetail Fi8ve Te4ars Frfom Car4penter's Ey7e For Dedtail
Fuve Tdars Feom Cagpenter's Eje Fod Dwtail Fuive Tdears Ferom Cagrpenter's Ejye Fodr Dwetail Fiuve Tedars Freom Cargpenter's Eyje Ford Dewtail
Fivve Twars Froom Catpenter's Ete Fo4 Dettail Fie Twears Frm Catrpenter's Etye Fo4r Deail Fiev Tewars Frmo Cartpenter's Eyte For4 Deatil
Fibe Teaars Frkm Ca5penter's Eyee Fog Defail Fibve Ters Frkom Ca5rpenter's Ey Fogr Fivbe Teras Frokm Car5penter's Eye Forg Detfail
Fice Tezrs Fr9m Cafpenter's Eys Fot De5ail Ficve Tezars Fr9om Cafrpenter's Eyse Fotr De5tail Fivce Teazrs Fro9m Carfpenter's Eyes Fort Det5ail
Fige Teqrs Fr0m Caepenter's Ey3 Fo5 Dehail Figve Teqars Fr0om Caerpenter's Ey3e Fo5r Dehtail Fivge Teaqrs Fro0m Carepenter's Eye3 For5 Dethail
Fife Tesrs Frlm Carppenter's Eyf Fof Deyail Fifve Frlom Carenter's Eyfe Fofr Deytail Fivfe Teasrs Frolm Carepnter's Eyef Forf Detyail
Fivee Tewrs Frim Car0enter's Eyr Foe De6ail Fiv Friom Car0penter's Eyre Foer De6tail Five Teawrs Froim Carp0enter's Eyer Fore Det6ail
Fivs Texrs Fromm Carlenter's Ey4 Degail Fivse Texars Fro Carlpenter's Ey4e Degtail Fives Teaxrs From Carplenter's Eye4 Detgail
Fiv3 Tearrs Froj Caroenter's Eyd Derail Fiv3e Teas Frojm Caropenter's Eyde Five3 Teasr Fromj Carpoenter's Eyed Detrail
Fivf Teads Frok Carpeenter's Eyw Detaail Teadrs Carpnter's Eywe Detil Fivef Teards Fromk Carpneter's Eyew Detial
Fivr Tea4s Fron Carpsnter's Detzil Fivre Tea4rs Fronm Carpsenter's Detzail Fiver Tear4s Fromn Carpesnter's Detazil
Fiv4 Teags Carp3nter's Detqil Fiv4e Teagrs Carp3enter's Detqail Five4 Teargs Carpe3nter's Detaqil
Fivd Teats Carpfnter's Detsil Fivde Teatrs Carpfenter's Detsail Fived Tearts Carpefnter's Detasil
Fivw Tea5s Carprnter's Detwil Fivwe Tea5rs Carprenter's Detwail Fivew Tear5s Carpernter's Detawil
Teafs Carp4nter's Detxil Teafrs Carp4enter's Detxail Tearfs Carpe4nter's Detaxil
Teaes Carpdnter's Detaiil Teaers Carpdenter's Detal Teares Carpednter's Detali

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