There's No Reason To Turn Back

Many encounters came along
made us wonder of our love
if we loved each other
we'd survive and we did...
We developed what we knew
that was hidden way below
now it's striking hard enough
you see..

There's no reason to turn back now
There's no reason to turn back now
There's no reason to turn back now
As our love it's much more..
There's no reason to turn back now
There's no reason to turn back now
There's no reason to turn back now
No more, no more...

There's no day that we do not
think about each other way too much
we are simply made for one
if there was to pick a line

if it's you or someone else
well my love you know I'm yours

There is no reason why to believe
that there should be more to see
we have gone through every phase that we can...


There's no reason no reason to turn back now
we have made it through so much
we have made it through so much...

There's no reason to turn back now
There's no reason to turn back now
There's no reason to turn back now
As our love it's much more..


Mirror lyrics:


As our love it's much more..
There's no reason to turn back now
There's no reason to turn back now
There's no reason to turn back now

we have made it through so much...
we have made it through so much
There's no reason no reason to turn back now


we have gone through every phase that we can...
that there should be more to see
There is no reason why to believe

well my love you know I'm yours
if it's you or someone else

if there was to pick a line
we are simply made for one
think about each other way too much
There's no day that we do not

No more, no more...
There's no reason to turn back now
There's no reason to turn back now
There's no reason to turn back now
As our love it's much more..
There's no reason to turn back now
There's no reason to turn back now
There's no reason to turn back now

you see..
now it's striking hard enough
that was hidden way below
We developed what we knew
we'd survive and we did...
if we loved each other
made us wonder of our love
Many encounters came along

Relevant Tags:
TThere's NNo RReason TTo TTurn BBack here's o eason o urn ack hTere's oN eRason oT uTrn aBck fhere's mo deason fo furn vack fThere's mNo dReason fTo fTurn vBack
Tfhere's Nmo Rdeason Tfo Tfurn Bvack 5here's ho 4eason 5o 5urn gack 5There's hNo 4Reason 5To 5Turn gBack T5here's Nho R4eason T5o T5urn Bgack hhere's jo geason ho hurn nack
hThere's jNo gReason hTo hTurn nBack Thhere's Njo Rgeason Tho Thurn Bnack yhere's bo teason yo yurn hack yThere's bNo tReason yTo yTurn hBack Tyhere's Nbo Rteason Tyo Tyurn Bhack
6here's Noo 5eason 6o 6urn Baack 6There's N 5Reason 6To 6Turn Bck T6here's No R5eason T6o T6urn Bcak ghere's Nk feason go gurn Bzck gThere's Nko fReason gTo gTurn Bzack
Tghere's Nok Rfeason Tgo Tgurn Bazck rhere's N9 eeason ro rurn Bqck rThere's N9o eReason rTo rTurn Bqack Trhere's No9 Reeason Tro Trurn Baqck N0 Too Tuurn Bsck
Tere's N0o Rason T Trn Bsack Tehre's No0 Raeson To Trun Basck Tjere's Nl Rsason Tk Thrn Bwck Tjhere's Nlo Rseason Tko Bwack Thjere's Nol Resason Tok Tuhrn Bawck
Tuere's Ni R3ason T9 T7rn Bxck Tuhere's Nio R3eason T9o T7urn Bxack Thuere's Noi Re3ason To9 Tu7rn Baxck Tnere's Rfason T0 Tkrn Bacck Tnhere's T0o Tkurn Bak
Thnere's Refason To0 Tukrn Bakc Tbere's Rrason Tl Tirn Bafk Tbhere's Rreason Tlo Tiurn Bafck Thbere's Rerason Tol Tuirn Bacfk Tgere's R4ason Ti T8rn Baxk
Tio T8urn Thgere's Re4ason Toi Tu8rn Bacxk Tyere's Rdason Tjrn Bavk Tjurn Bavck Thyere's Redason Tujrn Bacvk
Theere's Rwason Tyrn Badk Thre's Rweason Badck Three's Rewason Tuyrn Bacdk Thsre's Reaason Turrn Backk Thsere's Reson Tun Bac
Thesre's Resaon Tunr Back Th3re's Rezson Tudn Bacl Th3ere's Rezason Tudrn Baclk The3re's Reazson Turdn Backl Thfre's Reqson Tu4n Baco
Thfere's Reqason Tu4rn Bacok Thefre's Reaqson Tur4n Backo Thrre's Resson Tugn Bacm Threre's Tugrn Bacmk Therre's Reasson Turgn Backm
Th4re's Rewson Tutn Bacj Th4ere's Tutrn Bacjk The4re's Reawson Turtn Backj Thdre's Rexson Tu5n Baci

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