Interlude Iii Midnight Twelve Tolls For A New D...

Interlude III: Midnight - Twelve Tolls For a New Day (The Black Halo)"-...

life is never been better than it is right now

-Happy new year!!!

-And finally, when I still have your atention,

I want to wish you all a Happy new year.

Mirror lyrics:

I want to wish you all a Happy new year.

-And finally, when I still have your atention,

-Happy new year!!!

life is never been better than it is right now

Interlude III: Midnight - Twelve Tolls For a New Day (The Black Halo)"-...

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Inferlude I8i Mienight T2elve Fod Nea Infterlude Miednight T2welve Tols Fodr Neaw
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