Bird Of Ill Omen

Thoughts of hope in the minds of those whose
Lives are on decline
A thousand lies told them with bright eyes
And believed without doubts of employment
Now it's time to think very positive
Deny all the evil things
Hah, right time to face this reality
Take all the pain
Coming with me - Bird of ill omen
Living in me - Bird of ill omen
Bird of ill omen
Purity behind the mask of innocence
Weakness of this world
Blind-eyed fools will never rise from unfairness
Until they'll join the Good!
Coming with me - Bird of ill omen
Living in me - Bird of ill omen
Bird of ill omen
The carrier of the crown of thorns
Hides behind a dollar smile
And will judge the Poor!
So let's throw away all our useless hope
Nothing will ever change!
Hah, right time to face this reality
Take all the pain
Coming with me - Bird of ill omen
Living in me - Bird of ill omen
Bird of ill omen

Mirror lyrics:

Bird of ill omen
Living in me - Bird of ill omen
Coming with me - Bird of ill omen
Take all the pain
Hah, right time to face this reality
Nothing will ever change!
So let's throw away all our useless hope
And will judge the Poor!
Hides behind a dollar smile
The carrier of the crown of thorns
Bird of ill omen
Living in me - Bird of ill omen
Coming with me - Bird of ill omen
Until they'll join the Good!
Blind-eyed fools will never rise from unfairness
Weakness of this world
Purity behind the mask of innocence
Bird of ill omen
Living in me - Bird of ill omen
Coming with me - Bird of ill omen
Take all the pain
Hah, right time to face this reality
Deny all the evil things
Now it's time to think very positive
And believed without doubts of employment
A thousand lies told them with bright eyes
Lives are on decline
Thoughts of hope in the minds of those whose

Relevant Tags:
BBird OOf IIll OOmen ird f ll men iBrd fO lIl mOen vird kf jll kmen vBird kOf jIll kOmen Bvird Okf Ijll Okmen gird 9f 9ll 9men
gBird 9Of 9Ill 9Omen Bgird O9f I9ll O9men nird 0f lll 0men nBird 0Of lIll 0Omen Bnird O0f Illl O0men hird lf oll lmen hBird lOf oIll lOmen
Bhird Olf Ioll Olmen Biird if kll imen Brd iOf kIll iOmen Brid Oif Ikll Oimen Bjrd Off 8ll Ommen Bjird O 8Ill Oen Bijrd Of I8ll Oemn
B9rd Oc ull Ojen B9ird Ocf uIll Ojmen Bi9rd Ofc Iull Omjen Blrd Or Oken Blird Orf Il Bilrd Ofr Ill Omken Bord Og Ikl Onen
Boird Ogf Onmen Biord Ofg Ilkl Omnen Bkrd Ot Iol Omeen Bkird Otf Omn Bikrd Oft Ilol Omne B8rd Ov Ipl Omsn B8ird Ovf Ipll Omsen
Bi8rd Ofv Ilpl Omesn Burd Od Om3n Buird Odf Om3en Biurd Ofd Ome3n Birrd Ilk Omfn

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