Kan Kon
I Beg Your Pardon

(I Beg Your Pardon
I never promised you a rose garden
along with the sunshine
there`s gotta be a little rain sometime......)
There once was a time and there once was a way
We had something going and to my dismay
Attention to me seemed to drift though I don't know where

And when we're alone seems there's nothing to say
I bring up a topic and you push it away
You say that you do but I think it's just you don't care
Why do I feel you're using me

Are we an item or are we just two
I need some commitments all I ask of you
Your lifestyle can change
Don't be 'fraid what you think's in store

I know what's on your mind you've got lots to lose
Your shallow acquaintances what's there to choose
Yuo won't get too deep even though I'm worth so much more

So think about it carefully

Smile for a while and let's be jolly
Love shouldn't be so melancholy
Come along and share the good times while we can

Do you want to hustle?
Do you want to salsa?

Do you want to hustle?
Do you want to salsa?

If that's how you want it; that's how it'll be
There's no use in trying or making you see
That love don't come easy you don't know what it's about

To get things together won't take any pain
Don't need to see/hear from you ever again
From this day on listen but no more
Please count me out, and you know what I'm talkin' about

Smile for a while and let's be jolly
Love shouldn't be so melancholy
Come along and share the good times while we can

I know now's the time that I went to find something new
You know it's your crime that I'm out to find someone too

Mirror lyrics:

You know it's your crime that I'm out to find someone too
I know now's the time that I went to find something new

Come along and share the good times while we can
Love shouldn't be so melancholy
Smile for a while and let's be jolly

Please count me out, and you know what I'm talkin' about
From this day on listen but no more
Don't need to see/hear from you ever again
To get things together won't take any pain

That love don't come easy you don't know what it's about
There's no use in trying or making you see
If that's how you want it; that's how it'll be

Do you want to salsa?
Do you want to hustle?

Do you want to salsa?
Do you want to hustle?

Come along and share the good times while we can
Love shouldn't be so melancholy
Smile for a while and let's be jolly

So think about it carefully

Yuo won't get too deep even though I'm worth so much more
Your shallow acquaintances what's there to choose
I know what's on your mind you've got lots to lose

Don't be 'fraid what you think's in store
Your lifestyle can change
I need some commitments all I ask of you
Are we an item or are we just two

Why do I feel you're using me
You say that you do but I think it's just you don't care
I bring up a topic and you push it away
And when we're alone seems there's nothing to say

Attention to me seemed to drift though I don't know where
We had something going and to my dismay
There once was a time and there once was a way
there`s gotta be a little rain sometime......)
along with the sunshine
I never promised you a rose garden
(I Beg Your Pardon

Relevant Tags:
II BBeg YYour PPardon eg our ardon I eBg oYur aPrdon j veg gour 0ardon jI vBeg gYour 0Pardon Ij Bveg Ygour P0ardon
9 geg hour lardon 9I gBeg hYour lPardon I9 Bgeg Yhour Plardon l neg 6our oardon lI nBeg 6Your oPardon Il Bneg Y6our Poardon
o heg uour Paardon oI hBeg uYour Prdon Io Bheg Yuour Pradon k Beeg 7our Pzrdon kI Bg 7Your Pzardon Ik Bge Y7our Pazrdon
8 Bsg jour Pqrdon 8I Bseg jYour Pqardon I8 Besg Yjour Paqrdon u B3g tour Psrdon uI B3eg tYour Psardon Iu Be3g Ytour Pasrdon
Bfg Yoour Pwrdon Bfeg Yur Pwardon Befg Yuor Pawrdon Brg Ykur Pxrdon Breg Ykour Pxardon Berg Yokur Paxrdon
B4g Y9ur Parrdon B4eg Y9our Padon Be4g Yo9ur Padron Bdg Y0ur Paddon Bdeg Y0our Padrdon Bedg Yo0ur Parddon
Bwg Ylur Pa4don Bweg Ylour Pa4rdon Bewg Yolur Par4don Begg Yiur Pagdon Be Yiour Pagrdon Beg Yoiur Pargdon
Beh Youur Patdon Behg Yor Patrdon Begh Yoru Partdon Bey Yohr Pa5don Beyg Yohur Pa5rdon Begy Youhr Par5don
Beb Yo7r Pafdon Bebg Yo7ur Pafrdon Begb You7r Parfdon Bev Yokr Paedon

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