Kanye West
Good Night (feat. Mos Def)

[Bridge - Mos Def]
I'm not sure anymore-more
Who is knocking at my door-door
All the faces that I know
You make them so sunny and new

[Chorus - Mos Def]
I don't wanna say goodbye to you
So I'll just say good night to you
My people, no goodbyes to you
I'm just gonna say good night

[Verse - Kanye West]
Right now I can see it so vivid
Like it was just yesterday like I could relive it
Me and my grandparents on a field trid-ip
And I'm the little kid tryna touch the exhibits
But it'll fade before I get to get a hold of that
Man I wish I could stop time like a photograph
Every joke that they told I'd know to laugh
Man, man I wouldn't let a moment pass
What do it mean when you dream that you fallin'
What do it mean when you dream that you ballin'
What do it mean when you never dream at all then
And you don't really know cause you can't recall them
It's sorta fly you get a chance to say hi to
People you never got a chance to say bye to
Maybe you could pull em up outta your dreams
Into real life, if you try to
So close, but so far
And so far, no cigar
So I'mma live like there's no tomorrow
No goodbye

[Chorus - Mos Def]
I don't wanna say goodbye to you
So I'll just say good night to you
My people, no goodbyes to you
I'm just gonna say good night

[Verse - Al Be]
Uhh, to you
If I part my heart will live through you
Dream beautiful and unusual
Wake up like everyday new to you
Stay true to you, a hood musical
My art will live through you
Dream beautiful and unusual
Wake up like everyday new to you
Stay true to you, a hood musical

[Chorus - Mos Def]
I don't wanna say goodbye to you
So I'll just say good night to you
My people, no goodbyes to you
I'm just gonna say good night

[Bridge - Mos Def] x3
I'm not sure anymore-more
Who is knocking at my door-door
All the faces that I know
You make them sunny and new

Mirror lyrics:

You make them sunny and new
All the faces that I know
Who is knocking at my door-door
I'm not sure anymore-more
[Bridge - Mos Def] x3

I'm just gonna say good night
My people, no goodbyes to you
So I'll just say good night to you
I don't wanna say goodbye to you
[Chorus - Mos Def]

Stay true to you, a hood musical
Wake up like everyday new to you
Dream beautiful and unusual
My art will live through you
Stay true to you, a hood musical
Wake up like everyday new to you
Dream beautiful and unusual
If I part my heart will live through you
Uhh, to you
[Verse - Al Be]

I'm just gonna say good night
My people, no goodbyes to you
So I'll just say good night to you
I don't wanna say goodbye to you
[Chorus - Mos Def]

No goodbye
So I'mma live like there's no tomorrow
And so far, no cigar
So close, but so far
Into real life, if you try to
Maybe you could pull em up outta your dreams
People you never got a chance to say bye to
It's sorta fly you get a chance to say hi to
And you don't really know cause you can't recall them
What do it mean when you never dream at all then
What do it mean when you dream that you ballin'
What do it mean when you dream that you fallin'
Man, man I wouldn't let a moment pass
Every joke that they told I'd know to laugh
Man I wish I could stop time like a photograph
But it'll fade before I get to get a hold of that
And I'm the little kid tryna touch the exhibits
Me and my grandparents on a field trid-ip
Like it was just yesterday like I could relive it
Right now I can see it so vivid
[Verse - Kanye West]

I'm just gonna say good night
My people, no goodbyes to you
So I'll just say good night to you
I don't wanna say goodbye to you
[Chorus - Mos Def]

You make them so sunny and new
All the faces that I know
Who is knocking at my door-door
I'm not sure anymore-more
[Bridge - Mos Def]

Relevant Tags:
GGood NNight ((feat. MMos DDef) ood ight feat. os ef) oGod iNght f(eat. oMs eDf) hood might (ffeat. jos xef) hGood mNight (eat. jMos xDef)
Ghood Nmight (efat. Mjos Dxef) yood hight (ceat. kos eef) yGood hNight (cfeat. kMos eDef) Gyood Nhight (fceat. Mkos Deef) bood jight (reat. nos fef)
bGood jNight (rfeat. nMos fDef) Gbood Njight (freat. Mnos Dfef) vood bight (geat. Moos ref) vGood bNight (gfeat. Ms rDef) Gvood Nbight (fgeat. Mso Dref)
food Niight (teat. Mks cef) fGood Nght (tfeat. cDef) Gfood Ngiht (fteat. Moks Dcef) tood Njght (veat. M9s sef) tGood (vfeat. M9os sDef)
Gtood Nijght (fveat. Mo9s Dsef) Goood N9ght (deat. M0s God N9ight (dfeat. M0os Df) Good Ni9ght (fdeat. Mo0s Dfe) Gkod Nlght (feeat. Mls Dsf)
Gkood Nlight (fat. Mlos Gokod Nilght (faet. Mols Desf) G9od Noght (fsat. Mis D3f) G9ood Noight (fseat. Mios D3ef) Go9od Nioght (fesat. Mois De3f)
G0od Nkght (f3at. Moss Dff) G0ood Nkight (f3eat. Mo Go0od Nikght (fe3at. Mos Deff) Glod N8ght (ffat. Moz Drf) Glood N8ight Mozs
Golod Ni8ght (fefat. Mosz Derf) Giod Nught (frat. Mow D4f) Giood Nuight Mows D4ef) Goiod Niught (ferat. Mosw De4f) Nigght (f4at. Mod Ddf)
Niht (f4eat. Mods Ddef) Godo Nihgt (fe4at. Mosd Dedf) Gokd Nihht (fdat. Moe Dwf) Nihght Moes Dwef) Gookd Nighht (fedat. Mose Dewf)
Go9d Niyht (fwat. Mox Niyght (fweat. Moxs De) Goo9d Nigyht (fewat. Mosx De)f Go0d Nibht (feaat. Moa Dec)

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