Hope Once Again

The flower dies the camera never lies fire baptizes
The truth is light right or wrong is never black or white
We all wear disguises

If a picture could talk we would all look away
There'd be too many voices
Rain come on and wash away this hot city skin
Pictures and memories and hope once again

So many times I see you in my mind when I'm not trying to
I see a trellis gate and I run like a child who's late
Whose friends are waiting for him
Well I never stopped to realize what was passing me by
But love has a texture
Catch a glimpse a reflection
Of what would should or could have been
Pictures and memories and hope once again

I wonder if we know the future is now
I wonder if we know the future is here

Mirror lyrics:

I wonder if we know the future is here
I wonder if we know the future is now

Pictures and memories and hope once again
Of what would should or could have been
Catch a glimpse a reflection
But love has a texture
Well I never stopped to realize what was passing me by
Whose friends are waiting for him
I see a trellis gate and I run like a child who's late
So many times I see you in my mind when I'm not trying to

Pictures and memories and hope once again
Rain come on and wash away this hot city skin
There'd be too many voices
If a picture could talk we would all look away

We all wear disguises
The truth is light right or wrong is never black or white
The flower dies the camera never lies fire baptizes

Relevant Tags:
HHope OOnce AAgain ope nce gain oHpe nOce gAain jope knce zgain jHope kOnce zAgain Hjope Oknce Azgain uope 9nce qgain
uHope 9Once qAgain Huope O9nce Aqgain nope 0nce sgain nHope 0Once sAgain Hnope O0nce Asgain bope lnce wgain bHope lOnce wAgain
Hbope Olnce Awgain gope ince xgain gHope iOnce xAgain Hgope Oince Axgain yope Onnce Aggain yHope Oce Aain Hyope Ocne Aagin
Hoope Omce Ahain Hpe Omnce Ahgain Hpoe Onmce Aghain Hkpe Ohce Ayain Hkope Ohnce Aygain Hokpe Onhce Agyain H9pe Ojce Abain
H9ope Ojnce Abgain Ho9pe Onjce Agbain H0pe Obce Avain H0ope Obnce Avgain Ho0pe Onbce Agvain Hlpe Oncce Afain Hlope One Afgain
Holpe Onec Agfain Hipe Onfe Atain Hiope Onfce Atgain Hoipe Oncfe Agtain Hoppe Onxe Agaain Hoe Onxce Agin Hoep Oncxe Agian
Ho0e Onve Agzin Onvce Agzain Hop0e Oncve Agazin Hole Onde Agqin Ondce Agqain Hople Oncde Agaqin

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