Kate Alexa
Help Me Find A Way

I dont understand who I really am.
I cant keep going on round and round again.
I've travelled so far without looking back
But somethings missing, somethings just not right.

Where do I go, where do I stand,
I feel like a lost child with no hand.
I am so unsure, so far from secure,
I need you to help me find, help me find my way.

Oooh haa.. Ohhh yeah.. Ohhhh

Your slow, things take time,
Thats what they always say.
Sometimes, it gets way to rough,
You just wanna hide away.

For all the times I break time and cry,
Somethings missing, somethings just not right.

Where do I go, where do I stand,
I feel like a lost child with no hand.
I am so unsure, I'm far from secure,
I need you to help me find, help me find my way.

Help me find my way, oooh baby.
Gonna stay strong, yeah gonna move on,
With my life, thats what I'm gonna do..

Where do I go, where do I stand,
I feel like a lost child with no hand.
I am so unsure, so far from secure,
I need you to help me find, help me find my waaay..

I feel like a lost child with no hand.
I am so unsure, so far from secure,
I need you to help me find, help me find my waaay.

Where do I stand, I feel like a lost child with no hand.
I am so unsure, and far from secure,
I need you to help me find, help me find my way..

Mirror lyrics:

I need you to help me find, help me find my way..
I am so unsure, and far from secure,
Where do I stand, I feel like a lost child with no hand.

I need you to help me find, help me find my waaay.
I am so unsure, so far from secure,
I feel like a lost child with no hand.

I need you to help me find, help me find my waaay..
I am so unsure, so far from secure,
I feel like a lost child with no hand.
Where do I go, where do I stand,

With my life, thats what I'm gonna do..
Gonna stay strong, yeah gonna move on,
Help me find my way, oooh baby.

I need you to help me find, help me find my way.
I am so unsure, I'm far from secure,
I feel like a lost child with no hand.
Where do I go, where do I stand,

Somethings missing, somethings just not right.
For all the times I break time and cry,

You just wanna hide away.
Sometimes, it gets way to rough,
Thats what they always say.
Your slow, things take time,

Oooh haa.. Ohhh yeah.. Ohhhh

I need you to help me find, help me find my way.
I am so unsure, so far from secure,
I feel like a lost child with no hand.
Where do I go, where do I stand,

But somethings missing, somethings just not right.
I've travelled so far without looking back
I cant keep going on round and round again.
I dont understand who I really am.

Relevant Tags:
HHelp MMe FFind AA WWay elp e ind ay eHlp eM iFnd A aWy jelp je cind z aay jHelp jMe cFind zA aWay Hjelp Mje Fcind Az Waay
uelp ke rind q 3ay uHelp kMe rFind qA 3Way Huelp Mke Frind Aq W3ay nelp ne gind s day nHelp nMe gFind sA dWay Hnelp Mne Fgind As Wday
belp Mee tind w eay bHelp M tFind wA eWay Hbelp Me Ftind Aw Weay gelp Ms vind x say gHelp Mse vFind xA sWay Hgelp Mes Fvind Ax Wsay
yelp M3 dind 2ay yHelp M3e dFind 2Way Hyelp Me3 Fdind W2ay Heelp Mf Fiind qay Hlp Mfe Fnd qWay Hlep Mef Fnid Wqay
Hslp Mr Fjnd Hselp Mre Fjind Wy Heslp Mer Fijnd Wya H3lp M4 F9nd Wzy H3elp M4e F9ind Wzay He3lp Me4 Fi9nd Wazy
Hflp Md Flnd Wqy Hfelp Mde Flind Heflp Med Filnd Waqy Hrlp Mw Fond Wsy Hrelp Mwe Foind Herlp Mew Fiond Wasy
H4lp Fknd Wwy H4elp Fkind Wway He4lp Fiknd Wawy Hdlp F8nd Wxy

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