Justin Nozuka
You I Wind Land And Sea

More I need to work
Get up out Your head
The Sun will soon be rising
The light's no Longer red
We walk the street
We ain't got time to play

Standing for Our reasons
Our time has come at last
To bring it down to bottom
Let the Wind show Us The Path
This time We can see
We ain't got time to play

Rising comes the Moon and the Sun
I'll be alright for Now
A thousand Buffalo on the run
Stand up and fight for Now

Over any distance
The Sun will disappear
Darkness with its powers
Taking over anything that fears
You plant that Seed
The Light is on the way

Not for another Moment
We must not divide
Harmony is what we need
Between both You and I Wind Land and Sea
The Light is on the way

Rising comes the Moon and the Sun
I'll be alright for Now
Ten thousand Buffalo on the run
Stand up and fight for Now
Hold My hand I know You're the One
Stand up and fight for Now
The rising of Our Generation
Stand up and fight for Now

Mirror lyrics:

Stand up and fight for Now
The rising of Our Generation
Stand up and fight for Now
Hold My hand I know You're the One
Stand up and fight for Now
Ten thousand Buffalo on the run
I'll be alright for Now
Rising comes the Moon and the Sun

The Light is on the way
Between both You and I Wind Land and Sea
Harmony is what we need
We must not divide
Not for another Moment

The Light is on the way
You plant that Seed
Taking over anything that fears
Darkness with its powers
The Sun will disappear
Over any distance

Stand up and fight for Now
A thousand Buffalo on the run
I'll be alright for Now
Rising comes the Moon and the Sun

We ain't got time to play
This time We can see
Let the Wind show Us The Path
To bring it down to bottom
Our time has come at last
Standing for Our reasons

We ain't got time to play
We walk the street
The light's no Longer red
The Sun will soon be rising
Get up out Your head
More I need to work

Relevant Tags:
YYou II WWind LLand AAnd SSea ou ind and nd ea oYu I iWnd aLnd nAd eSa gou j aind kand znd zea gYou jI aWind kLand zAnd zSea Ygou Ij Waind Lkand Aznd Szea
hou 9 3ind oand qnd wea hYou 9I 3Wind oLand qAnd wSea Yhou I9 W3ind Loand Aqnd Swea 6ou l dind pand snd dea 6You lI dWind pLand sAnd dSea Y6ou Il Wdind Lpand Asnd Sdea
uou o eind Laand wnd eea uYou oI eWind Lnd wAnd eSea Yuou Io Weind Lnad Awnd Seea 7ou k sind Lznd xnd xea 7You kI sWind Lzand xAnd xSea Y7ou Ik Wsind Laznd Axnd Sxea
jou 8 2ind Lqnd Annd aea jYou 8I 2Wind Lqand Ad aSea Yjou I8 W2ind Laqnd Adn Saea tou u qind Lsnd Amd tYou uI qWind Lsand Amnd Sa Ytou Iu Wqind Lasnd Anmd Sae
Yoou Wiind Lwnd Ahd Ssa Yu Wnd Lwand Ahnd Ssea Yuo Wnid Lawnd Anhd Sesa Yku Wjnd Lxnd Ajd S3a Ykou Wjind Lxand Ajnd S3ea Yoku Wijnd Laxnd Anjd Se3a
Y9u W9nd Lannd Abd Sfa Y9ou W9ind Lad Abnd Sfea Yo9u Wi9nd Ladn Anbd Sefa Y0u Wlnd Lamd Andd Sra Y0ou Wlind Lamnd An Srea Yo0u Wilnd Lanmd And Sera
Ylu Wond Lahd Anx S4a Ylou Woind Lahnd Anxd S4ea Yolu Wiond Lanhd Andx Se4a Yiu Wknd Lajd Ane Sda Yiou Wkind Lajnd Aned Yoiu Wiknd Lanjd Ande Seda

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