Justin Nozuka
Swan In The Water

Father tired to save me
he said believe in the spirit of god
leave me alone
My mother tried to heal me
She said just feel me, just feel me
now leave me alone
My brother tried to scold me
He tried to hold, to hold me
Now leave me alone

My sister tried to listen
But she couldn't understand
It's not how i stand, but where i stand

And you talk
And you talk
And you talk
And then you walk
And you get what you wanted all along
And then you walk

And then you walk oil in the water
How come you can't be with me?
Oil in the fire
I remember how it used to be
Swan in the water,
you're moving so elegantly

And it burns
And it burns
And it burns
And it burns
And it burns

He tired to convinve me
It was shouting on the radio and tv screen
Leave me alone
My angels tried to mess me
Constantly tsting and testing me
Now leave me alone
The devil tried to bless me,
Confessing the debt
Leave me alone

My sister tried to listen
But she couldn't understand
It's not how i stand, but where i stand

And you talk
And you talk
And you talk
And then you walk
And you get what you wanted all along
And then you walk

And then you walk oil in the water
How come you can't be with me?
Oil in the fire
I remember how it used to be
Swan in the water,
you're moving so elegantly

And it burns
And it burns
And it burns
And it burns
And it burns

Leave me alone

Mirror lyrics:

Leave me alone

And it burns
And it burns
And it burns
And it burns
And it burns

you're moving so elegantly
Swan in the water,
I remember how it used to be
Oil in the fire
How come you can't be with me?
And then you walk oil in the water

And then you walk
And you get what you wanted all along
And then you walk
And you talk
And you talk
And you talk

It's not how i stand, but where i stand
But she couldn't understand
My sister tried to listen

Leave me alone
Confessing the debt
The devil tried to bless me,
Now leave me alone
Constantly tsting and testing me
My angels tried to mess me
Leave me alone
It was shouting on the radio and tv screen
He tired to convinve me

And it burns
And it burns
And it burns
And it burns
And it burns

you're moving so elegantly
Swan in the water,
I remember how it used to be
Oil in the fire
How come you can't be with me?
And then you walk oil in the water

And then you walk
And you get what you wanted all along
And then you walk
And you talk
And you talk
And you talk

It's not how i stand, but where i stand
But she couldn't understand
My sister tried to listen

Now leave me alone
He tried to hold, to hold me
My brother tried to scold me
now leave me alone
She said just feel me, just feel me
My mother tried to heal me
leave me alone
he said believe in the spirit of god
Father tired to save me

Relevant Tags:
SSwan IIn TThe WWater wan n he ater wSan nI hTe aWter zwan jn fhe aater zSwan jIn fThe aWater Szwan Ijn Tfhe Waater
wwan 9n 5he 3ater wSwan 9In 5The 3Water Swwan I9n T5he W3ater dwan ln hhe dater dSwan lIn hThe dWater Sdwan Iln Thhe Wdater
ewan on yhe eater eSwan oIn yThe eWater Sewan Ion Tyhe Weater xwan kn 6he sater xSwan kIn 6The sWater Sxwan Ikn T6he Wsater
awan 8n ghe 2ater aSwan 8In gThe 2Water Sawan I8n Tghe W2ater un rhe qater San uIn rThe qWater Sawn Iun Trhe Wqater
Saan Inn I Te Wter Swaan In Teh Wtaer S3an Im Tje Wzter S3wan Imn Tjhe Wzater Sw3an Inm Thje Wazter
Sdan Ih Tue Wqter Ihn Tuhe Swdan Inh Thue Waqter Sean Ij Tne Wster Tnhe Swean Inj Thne Waster
Ssan Ib Tbe Wwter Sswan Ibn Tbhe Wwater Swsan Inb Thbe Wawter S2an Tge Wxter S2wan Wxater Sw2an Thge Waxter
Sqan Tye Watter Sqwan Waer Swqan Thye Waetr Thee Wafer Swn Th Wafter Swna The Watfer
Swzn Ths Wa5er Swzan Thse Wa5ter Swazn Thes Wat5er Swqn Th3 Waher

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