Justin Guarini

Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain
Sunny, you smiled at me and you really eased the pain
But now the dark days are gone
Now the bright days are here
Sunny, I never knew one who was so sincere
Sunny, I never knew one so true
I love you

Sunny, I'd like to thank you for that sunshine bouquet
Sunny, I wanna thank you for the love that you brought my way

Mirror lyrics:

Sunny, I wanna thank you for the love that you brought my way
Sunny, I'd like to thank you for that sunshine bouquet

I love you
Sunny, I never knew one so true
Sunny, I never knew one who was so sincere
Now the bright days are here
But now the dark days are gone
Sunny, you smiled at me and you really eased the pain
Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain

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