Justin Guarini
Night & Day

Night and day, you are the one
Only you beneath the moon and under the sun
Whether near to me, or far
It’s no matter where you are
I think of you, night and day

Day and night, why is it so
That this longing for you follows wherever I go
In the roaring traffic’s boom
In the silence of my lonely room
I think of you, day and night

Night and day
Under the hide of me
There’s an oh such a hungry yearning burning inside of me
And this torment won’t be through
'til you let me spend my life making love to you

Night and day, day and night


Night and day
Under the hide of me
There’s an oh such a hungry yearning burning inside of me
And this torment won’t be through
'til you let me spend my life making love to you

Night and day, day and night

Night and day, day and night

Night and day, day and night

[...improvisation to ending...]

Mirror lyrics:

[...improvisation to ending...]

Night and day, day and night

Night and day, day and night

Night and day, day and night

'til you let me spend my life making love to you
And this torment won’t be through
There’s an oh such a hungry yearning burning inside of me
Under the hide of me
Night and day


Night and day, day and night

'til you let me spend my life making love to you
And this torment won’t be through
There’s an oh such a hungry yearning burning inside of me
Under the hide of me
Night and day

I think of you, day and night
In the silence of my lonely room
In the roaring traffic’s boom
That this longing for you follows wherever I go
Day and night, why is it so

I think of you, night and day
It’s no matter where you are
Whether near to me, or far
Only you beneath the moon and under the sun
Night and day, you are the one

Relevant Tags:
NNight && DDay ight ay iNght & aDy might xay mNight xDay Nmight Dxay hight eay hNight eDay Nhight Deay jight fay
jNight fDay Njight Dfay bight ray bNight rDay Nbight Dray Niight cay Nght cDay Ngiht Dcay Njght say sDay
Nijght Dsay N9ght Daay N9ight Dy Ni9ght Dya Nlght Dzy Nlight Dzay Nilght Dazy Noght Dqy Noight Dqay Nioght Daqy
Nkght Dsy Nkight Nikght Dasy N8ght Dwy N8ight Dway Ni8ght Dawy Nught Dxy Nuight Niught Daxy Nigght Dayy
Niht Da Nihgt Day Nihht Dag Nihght Dagy Nighht Dayg Niyht Dah Niyght Dahy Nigyht Dayh Nibht Da6

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