Justin Tubb
There's A Little Bit Of Everything In Texas

(Ernest Tubb)

There's a little bit of everything in Texas
Just look around and you will see
There's a little bit of everything in Texas
And a whole lot of Texas in me.

There are forty seven states around it
And each of them have treaures of their own
And everything they boast of I sure found it
But we've got them all right here at home.

And everything they boast of I sure found it
And really I'm not bragging you se
There's a little bit of everything in Texas
And a whole lot of Texas in me.

--- Instrumental ---

There's a little bit of everything in Texas
Just look around and you will see
There's a little bit of everything in Texas
And a whole lot of Texas in me.

Now if you love old sunny California
Or perhaps the hills of Tennessee
No matter what you love just come to Texas
And I'll bet my boots you will agree.

And everything they boast of I sure found it
And really I'm not bragging you se
'Cause there's a little bit of everything in Texas
And a whole lot of Texas in me...

Mirror lyrics:

And a whole lot of Texas in me...
'Cause there's a little bit of everything in Texas
And really I'm not bragging you se
And everything they boast of I sure found it

And I'll bet my boots you will agree.
No matter what you love just come to Texas
Or perhaps the hills of Tennessee
Now if you love old sunny California

And a whole lot of Texas in me.
There's a little bit of everything in Texas
Just look around and you will see
There's a little bit of everything in Texas

--- Instrumental ---

And a whole lot of Texas in me.
There's a little bit of everything in Texas
And really I'm not bragging you se
And everything they boast of I sure found it

But we've got them all right here at home.
And everything they boast of I sure found it
And each of them have treaures of their own
There are forty seven states around it

And a whole lot of Texas in me.
There's a little bit of everything in Texas
Just look around and you will see
There's a little bit of everything in Texas

(Ernest Tubb)

Relevant Tags:
TThere's AA LLittle BBit OOf EEverything IIn TTexas here's ittle it f verything n exas hTere's A iLttle iBt fO vEerything nI eTxas
fhere's z kittle vit kf sverything jn fexas fThere's zA kLittle vBit kOf sEverything jIn fTexas Tfhere's Az Lkittle Bvit Okf Esverything Ijn Tfexas
5here's q oittle git 9f 3verything 9n 5exas 5There's qA oLittle gBit 9Of 3Everything 9In 5Texas T5here's Aq Loittle Bgit O9f E3verything I9n T5exas
hhere's s pittle nit 0f fverything ln hexas hThere's sA pLittle nBit 0Of fEverything lIn hTexas Thhere's As Lpittle Bnit O0f Efverything Iln Thexas
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6here's x Ljttle Biit if 4verything kn 6exas 6There's xA Ljittle Bt iOf 4Everything kIn 6Texas T6here's Ax Lijttle Bti Oif E4verything Ikn T6exas
ghere's L9ttle Bjt Off dverything 8n gexas gThere's L9ittle Bjit O dEverything 8In gTexas Tghere's Li9ttle Bijt Of Edverything I8n Tgexas
rhere's Llttle B9t Oc wverything un rexas rThere's Llittle B9it Ocf wEverything uIn rTexas Trhere's Lilttle Bi9t Ofc Ewverything Iun Trexas
Lottle Blt Or Evverything Inn Teexas Tere's Blit Orf Eerything I Txas Tehre's Liottle Bilt Ofr Eevrything In Txeas
Tjere's Lkttle Bot Og Eberything Im Tsxas Tjhere's Boit Ogf Ebverything Imn Tsexas Thjere's Likttle Biot Ofg Evberything Inm Tesxas
Tuere's L8ttle Bkt Ot Ecerything Ih T3xas Tuhere's L8ittle Bkit Otf Ecverything Ihn T3exas Thuere's Li8ttle Bikt Oft Evcerything Inh Te3xas
Tnere's Luttle B8t Ov Egerything Ij Tfxas Tnhere's Luittle B8it Ovf Egverything Thnere's Liuttle Bi8t Ofv Evgerything Inj Tefxas
Tbere's Litttle But Od Eferything Ib Trxas Tbhere's Litle Buit Odf Ibn Thbere's Little Biut Ofd Evferything Inb Terxas
Tgere's Liftle Bitt Eveerything T4xas Lifttle Bi Evrything T4exas Thgere's Litftle Bit Evreything Te4xas
Tyere's Li5tle Bif Evsrything Tdxas Li5ttle Bift Evserything Tdexas Thyere's Lit5tle Bitf Evesrything Tedxas
Theere's Lihtle Bi5 Ev3rything Twxas Thre's Lihttle Bi5t Ev3erything Twexas Three's Lithtle Bit5 Eve3rything Tewxas
Thsre's Liytle Bih Evfrything Texxas Thsere's Liyttle Biht Teas Thesre's Litytle Bith Evefrything Teaxs
Th3re's Li6tle Biy Evrrything Tedas Th3ere's Li6ttle Biyt Evrerything The3re's Lit6tle Bity Everrything Texdas
Thfre's Ligtle Bi6 Ev4rything Tezas Thfere's Ligttle Bi6t Ev4erything Tezxas Thefre's Litgtle Bit6 Eve4rything Texzas
Thrre's Lirtle Big Evdrything Tecas Threre's Lirttle Bigt Evderything Tecxas Therre's Litrtle Bitg Evedrything Texcas
Th4re's Bir Evwrything Tesas Th4ere's Birt Evwerything The4re's Litlte Bitr Evewrything Texsas
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Thete's Litrle Evefything Thetre's Texa Therte's Littrle Everfything Texas
The5e's Littlle Eveeything Texaz The5re's Litte Ther5e's Littel Evereything Texasz
Thefe's Littke Everyything Texaw Littkle Everthing Therfe's Littlke Evertyhing Texasw

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