K. D. Lang
Till The Heart Caves In

Stood together in an open field
and share the secrets of the night reveal
Then we chase the light
Racing through the sky

Can we untangle guilt and innocence
How hard we torture this ambivalence
Night will bring no dawn
Where's the power gone

For i'll steal your dreams while you are sleeping
And sell them for dust and cheap lust
And i'll turn your hope while you are weeping
And cover your eyes with sad lies and dark skies

Come closer to me on your hands and knees
Alone when your will's gone
How much is not enough how much is through
How long will i be getting over you
How much grief and sin
Till the heart caves in
Till the heart caves in
Till the heart caves in

Mirror lyrics:

Till the heart caves in
Till the heart caves in
Till the heart caves in
How much grief and sin
How long will i be getting over you
How much is not enough how much is through
Alone when your will's gone
Come closer to me on your hands and knees

And cover your eyes with sad lies and dark skies
And i'll turn your hope while you are weeping
And sell them for dust and cheap lust
For i'll steal your dreams while you are sleeping

Where's the power gone
Night will bring no dawn
How hard we torture this ambivalence
Can we untangle guilt and innocence

Racing through the sky
Then we chase the light
and share the secrets of the night reveal
Stood together in an open field

Relevant Tags:
TTill TThe HHeart CCaves IIn ill he eart aves n iTll hTe eHart aCves nI fill fhe jeart faves jn fTill fThe jHeart fCaves jIn Tfill Tfhe Hjeart Cfaves Ijn
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Tiill Hsart Csves Inn Tll Te Hseart Csaves I Tlil Teh Hesart Casves In Tjll Tje H3art Cwves Im Tjill Tjhe H3eart Cwaves Imn Tijll Thje He3art Cawves Inm
T9ll Tue Hfart Cxves Ih T9ill Tuhe Hfeart Ihn Ti9ll Thue Hefart Caxves Inh Tlll Tne Hrart Cavves Ij Tlill Tnhe Hreart Caes Tilll Thne Herart Caevs Inj
Toll Tbe H4art Cabes Ib Toill Tbhe H4eart Cabves Ibn Tioll Thbe He4art Cavbes Inb Tkll Tge Hdart Caces Tkill Hdeart Cacves Tikll Thge Hedart Cavces
T8ll Tye Hwart Cages T8ill Hweart Cagves Ti8ll Thye Hewart Cavges Tull Thee Heaart Cafes Tuill Th Hert Cafves Tiull The Herat Cavfes
Ths Hezrt Cavees Til Thse Hezart Cavs Till Thes Heazrt Cavse Tikl Th3 Heqrt Cavss

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