K. D. Lang
Tickled Pink

Knowing things that I do and showing myself to you
My habit-forming, tradition-ignoring ways to you are fine
Well, I'm tickled pink to think
That you're mine.

I dug up a missing link when I uncovered you
My lonely days are now extinct
With this evolution of you
I'm tickled pink seeing things that you do.

And being one of the few
Whose habit-forming, tradition-ignoring ways to me are fine
Well, I'm tickled pink to think
That you're mine.

A glance from you
I'm on the brink of melting to the core
As told to me by my instinct
There's ecstasy galore in store.

I'm tickled pink seeing things that you do
And being one of the few
Whose habit-forming, tradition-ignoring ways to me are fine
Well, I'm tickled pink
To think that you are mine...

Mirror lyrics:

To think that you are mine...
Well, I'm tickled pink
Whose habit-forming, tradition-ignoring ways to me are fine
And being one of the few
I'm tickled pink seeing things that you do

There's ecstasy galore in store.
As told to me by my instinct
I'm on the brink of melting to the core
A glance from you

That you're mine.
Well, I'm tickled pink to think
Whose habit-forming, tradition-ignoring ways to me are fine
And being one of the few

I'm tickled pink seeing things that you do.
With this evolution of you
My lonely days are now extinct
I dug up a missing link when I uncovered you

That you're mine.
Well, I'm tickled pink to think
My habit-forming, tradition-ignoring ways to you are fine
Knowing things that I do and showing myself to you

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hickled oink hTickled oPink Thickled Poink yickled Piink yTickled Pnk Tyickled Pnik 6ickled Pjnk 6Tickled Pjink T6ickled Pijnk
gickled P9nk gTickled P9ink Tgickled Pi9nk rickled Plnk rTickled Trickled Pilnk Tiickled Ponk Tckled Tcikled Pionk
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Tockled Pinnk Toickled Pik Tiockled Pikn Tkckled Pimk Tkickled Pimnk Tikckled Pinmk T8ckled Pihk T8ickled Pihnk Ti8ckled Pinhk
Tuckled Pijk Tuickled Tiuckled Pinjk Ticckled Pibk Tikled Pibnk Tikcled Pinbk Tifkled Pinkk Tifckled Pin Ticfkled Pink
Tixkled Pinl Tixckled Pinlk Ticxkled Pinkl Tivkled Pino Tivckled Pinok Ticvkled Pinko Tidkled Pinm Tidckled Ticdkled Pinkm
Tickkled Pinj Ticled

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