Kelly Clarkson
I'm Not The Only One

And I try not to think about dinner for one
Close my eyes and pretend that this house is a home
?Cause I?ve got to believe
I?m not the only one

And I try not to dream about finding someone
Who might share all the reasons why love hasn?t come
?Cause I?ve got to believe
I?m not the only one

I?m not the only heart beating
There?s nothing worse than just feeling
The weight of walking alone
Tell me
I?m not the only one

And I keep all my hopes from clouding my eyes
Keep my distance, my chin up, and talk with a smile
?Cause I?ve got to believe there?s more than barely

I?m not the only heart beating
There?s nothing worse than just feeling
The weight of walking alone
Tell me
I?m not the only one

Empty and crawling
Wincing and falling
Back into this skin
Said I?m leaving
It?s not what I wanted
The will I keep on

Be the only heart beating
There?s nothing worse than just feeling
The weight of walking alone
Tell me
I?m not the only one
I?m not the only one
Am I the only one?

Mirror lyrics:

Am I the only one?
I?m not the only one
I?m not the only one
Tell me
The weight of walking alone
There?s nothing worse than just feeling
Be the only heart beating

The will I keep on
It?s not what I wanted
Said I?m leaving
Back into this skin
Wincing and falling
Empty and crawling

I?m not the only one
Tell me
The weight of walking alone
There?s nothing worse than just feeling
I?m not the only heart beating

?Cause I?ve got to believe there?s more than barely
Keep my distance, my chin up, and talk with a smile
And I keep all my hopes from clouding my eyes

I?m not the only one
Tell me
The weight of walking alone
There?s nothing worse than just feeling
I?m not the only heart beating

I?m not the only one
?Cause I?ve got to believe
Who might share all the reasons why love hasn?t come
And I try not to dream about finding someone

I?m not the only one
?Cause I?ve got to believe
Close my eyes and pretend that this house is a home
And I try not to think about dinner for one

Relevant Tags:
II'm NNot TThe OOnly OOne 'm ot he nly ne 'Im oNt hTe nOly nOe j'm mot fhe knly kne jI'm mNot fThe kOnly kOne Ij'm Nmot Tfhe Oknly Okne
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o'm bot yhe lnly lne oI'm bNot yThe lOnly lOne Io'm Nbot Tyhe Olnly Olne k'm Noot 6he inly ine kI'm Nt 6The iOnly iOne Ik'm Nto T6he Oinly Oine
8'm Nkt ghe Onnly Onne 8I'm Nkot gThe Oly Oe I8'm Nokt Tghe Olny Oen u'm N9t rhe Omly Ome uI'm N9ot rThe Omnly Omne Iu'm No9t Trhe Onmly Onme
I''m N0t Ohly Ohe Im N0ot Te Ohnly Ohne Im' No0t Teh Onhly Onhe I'mm Nlt Tje Ojly Oje I' Nlot Tjhe Ojnly Ojne I'm Nolt Thje Onjly Onje
I'j Nit Tue Obly Obe I'jm Niot Tuhe Obnly Obne I'mj Noit Thue Onbly Onbe I'k Nott Tne Onlly Onee I'km No Tnhe Ony On

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