Kelly Campbell
Break Away

chorus 1x:
Today im away; away from home
lost in a world thats not my own
thinking about tomorrow and what it will bring
am i alone of will my fait ring
will i live, or will i die, or will time just pass me by.
Am i missing out on everything
all the joys that life shall bring

what should i do
i feel so confused
I think i know what im missing
im missing You

You put the joys in my life
the smile on my face,
but now its just sadness in my eyes.

why'd ya have to do it
i thought i made ur life great
but i guess i just made you hate
everything is going down the dain
including MY PAIN

i have to get over it
i hvae to run away
you made my life different
but now its back to the same

chorus 2x:
have to think about tomorrow
and what it will bring
hoping that my fait will ring
i will live, i wont die, adn time wont pass me by
now that im not missing out on everything ,
none of the joys that life shall bring

im living my life without you
happy as can be
i feel so free
nothing could be better, but one thing
if i had a guy who would treat me right

chorus 1x

chorus 2x

i feel great
im not in doubt
im just happy that is over
and i never have to see u AGAIN!

Mirror lyrics:

and i never have to see u AGAIN!
im just happy that is over
im not in doubt
i feel great

chorus 2x

chorus 1x

if i had a guy who would treat me right
nothing could be better, but one thing
i feel so free
happy as can be
im living my life without you

none of the joys that life shall bring
now that im not missing out on everything ,
i will live, i wont die, adn time wont pass me by
hoping that my fait will ring
and what it will bring
have to think about tomorrow
chorus 2x:

but now its back to the same
you made my life different
i hvae to run away
i have to get over it

including MY PAIN
everything is going down the dain
but i guess i just made you hate
i thought i made ur life great
why'd ya have to do it

but now its just sadness in my eyes.
the smile on my face,
You put the joys in my life

im missing You
I think i know what im missing
i feel so confused
what should i do

all the joys that life shall bring
Am i missing out on everything
will i live, or will i die, or will time just pass me by.
am i alone of will my fait ring
thinking about tomorrow and what it will bring
lost in a world thats not my own
Today im away; away from home
chorus 1x:

Relevant Tags:
BBreak AAway reak way rBeak wAay vreak zway vBreak zAway Bvreak Azway greak qway gBreak qAway Bgreak Aqway nreak sway nBreak sAway
Bnreak Asway hreak wway hBreak wAway Bhreak Awway Brreak xway Beak xAway Berak Axway Bdeak Bdreak Aay Brdeak Aawy B4eak Aaay
B4reak Aaway Br4eak Awaay Bgeak A3ay A3way Brgeak Aw3ay Bteak Aday Btreak Adway Brteak Awday B5eak Aeay B5reak Aeway Br5eak Aweay
Bfeak Asay Bfreak Brfeak Awsay Beeak A2ay Bereak A2way Breeak Aw2ay Aqay Brak Braek Awqay Brsak Brseak Awy
Bresak Awya Br3ak Awzy

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