Kellie Coffey
I Would Die For That

Jenny was my best friend
Went away one summer
Came back with a secret
She just couldn't keep
A child inside her
Was just too much for her
So she cried herself to sleep.

And she made a decision
Some find hard to accept
To young to know that one day
She might live to regret.

But I would die for that
Just to have one chance
To hold in my hands
All that she had
I would die for that.

I've been given so much
A husband that I love
So why do I feel incomplete?
With every test and checkup
We're told not to give up
He wonders if it's him
And I wonder if it's me.

All I want is a family
Like everyone else I see
And I won't understand it
If it's not meant to be.

Cause I would die for that
Just to have one chance
To hold in my hands
All that they have
I would die for that.

And I want to know what it's like
To bring a dream to life
For that kind of love
What I'd give up!
I would die for that.

Sometimes it's hard to conceive
With all that I've got
And all I've achieved
What I want most
Before my time is gone
Is to hear the words
"I love you, Mom."

I would die for that
Just to have once chance
To hold in my hands
What so many have
I would die for that.

And I want to know what it's like
To bring a dream to life
How I would love
I would die, I would die for that...

Mirror lyrics:

I would die, I would die for that...
How I would love
To bring a dream to life
And I want to know what it's like

I would die for that.
What so many have
To hold in my hands
Just to have once chance
I would die for that

"I love you, Mom."
Is to hear the words
Before my time is gone
What I want most
And all I've achieved
With all that I've got
Sometimes it's hard to conceive

I would die for that.
What I'd give up!
For that kind of love
To bring a dream to life
And I want to know what it's like

I would die for that.
All that they have
To hold in my hands
Just to have one chance
Cause I would die for that

If it's not meant to be.
And I won't understand it
Like everyone else I see
All I want is a family

And I wonder if it's me.
He wonders if it's him
We're told not to give up
With every test and checkup
So why do I feel incomplete?
A husband that I love
I've been given so much

I would die for that.
All that she had
To hold in my hands
Just to have one chance
But I would die for that

She might live to regret.
To young to know that one day
Some find hard to accept
And she made a decision

So she cried herself to sleep.
Was just too much for her
A child inside her
She just couldn't keep
Came back with a secret
Went away one summer
Jenny was my best friend

Relevant Tags:
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8 2ould sie dor ghat 8I 2Would sDie dFor gThat I8 W2ould Dsie Fdor Tghat u qould Diie Foor rhat uI qWould De Fr rThat Iu Wqould Dei Fro Trhat
Woould Dje Fkr Wuld Djie Fkor Tat Wuold Dije Fokr Taht Wkuld D9e F9r Tjat Wkould D9ie F9or Tjhat Wokuld Di9e Fo9r Thjat
W9uld Dle F0r Tuat W9ould Dlie F0or Tuhat Wo9uld Dile Fo0r Thuat W0uld Doe Flr Tnat W0ould Doie Flor Tnhat Wo0uld Dioe Folr Thnat
Wluld Dke Fir Tbat Wlould Dkie Fior Tbhat Woluld Dike Foir Thbat Wiuld D8e Forr Tgat Wiould D8ie Fo Woiuld Di8e For Thgat
Wouuld Due Fod Tyat Wold Duie Fodr Wolud Diue Ford Thyat Wohld Diee Fo4 Thaat Wohuld Di Fo4r Tht Wouhld Die For4 Thta

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