Kelly Family
Rockā“n Roll Stole My Soul

Tom had a job in a town outside the city
was working very hard
Life was lookinĀ“very pretty
nothing going wrong
with the rockabilly Song
that the radio was playing

But then came around
the RockĀ“n Roll beggining
Tom left the Town and got
into the singinĀ“
nothing was the same since
he read a book
saying "Wheels are freedom"

RockĀ“n Roll stole my soul
RochinĀ“down the River like a rolling stone
RockĀ“n Roll stole my soul
RockinĀ“down the river like a rolling stone

Tom had a band and made
a good Ā“aĀ“ livinĀ“
toured all the land
his dreams had been fulfilling
was bringing in some cash
but spend it all on hash
thatĀ“s when his life began to bend

Times were looking bad
he was lying in a clinic
he lost all he had
the world was looking cynic
his innocence was gone
but it didnĀ“t take him long
Now heĀ“s singinĀ“
on the street
the song of his defeat


The Musical fruit
The more you eat
The more you toot
The more you toot
The better you feel
So letĀ“s have beans for every meal


Mirror lyrics:


So letĀ“s have beans for every meal
The better you feel
The more you toot
The more you toot
The more you eat
The Musical fruit


the song of his defeat
on the street
Now heĀ“s singinĀ“
but it didnĀ“t take him long
his innocence was gone
the world was looking cynic
he lost all he had
he was lying in a clinic
Times were looking bad

thatĀ“s when his life began to bend
but spend it all on hash
was bringing in some cash
his dreams had been fulfilling
toured all the land
a good Ā“aĀ“ livinĀ“
Tom had a band and made

RockinĀ“down the river like a rolling stone
RockĀ“n Roll stole my soul
RochinĀ“down the River like a rolling stone
RockĀ“n Roll stole my soul

saying "Wheels are freedom"
he read a book
nothing was the same since
into the singinĀ“
Tom left the Town and got
the RockĀ“n Roll beggining
But then came around

that the radio was playing
with the rockabilly Song
nothing going wrong
Life was lookinĀ“very pretty
was working very hard
Tom had a job in a town outside the city

Relevant Tags:
RRockā“n RRoll SStole MMy SSoul ockā“n oll tole y oul oRckā“n oRll tSole yM oSul dockā“n doll ztole jy zoul dRockā“n dRoll zStole jMy zSoul
Rdockā“n Rdoll Sztole Mjy Szoul 4ockā“n 4oll wtole ky woul 4Rockā“n 4Roll wStole kMy wSoul R4ockā“n R4oll Swtole Mky Swoul gockā“n goll dtole ny doul
gRockā“n gRoll dStole nMy dSoul Rgockā“n Rgoll Sdtole Mny Sdoul tockā“n toll etole Myy eoul tRockā“n tRoll eStole M eSoul Rtockā“n Rtoll Setole My Seoul
5ockā“n 5oll xtole Mg xoul 5Rockā“n 5Roll xStole Mgy xSoul R5ockā“n R5oll Sxtole Myg Sxoul fockā“n foll atole Mh aoul fRockā“n fRoll aStole Mhy aSoul
Rfockā“n Rfoll Satole Myh Saoul eockā“n eoll Sttole M6 Sooul eRockā“n eRoll Sole M6y Sul Reockā“n Reoll Sotle My6 Suol Roockā“n Rooll Sfole Mu Skul
Rckā“n Rll Sftole Muy Skoul Rcokā“n Rlol Stfole Myu Sokul Rkckā“n Rkll S5ole M7 S9ul Rkockā“n Rkoll S5tole M7y S9oul Rokckā“n Rokll St5ole My7 So9ul
R9ckā“n R9ll Shole Mj S0ul R9ockā“n R9oll Shtole S0oul Ro9ckā“n Ro9ll Sthole Myj So0ul R0ckā“n R0ll Syole Mt Slul R0ockā“n R0oll Sytole Mty Sloul
Ro0ckā“n Ro0ll Styole Myt Solul Rlckā“n Rlll S6ole Siul Rlockā“n Rloll S6tole Sioul Rolckā“n Rolll St6ole Soiul Rickā“n Rill Sgole Souul
Riockā“n Rioll Sgtole Sol Roickā“n Roill Stgole Solu Rocckā“n Srole Sohl Rokā“n Rol Srtole Sohul Rokcā“n Roll Strole Souhl
Rofkā“n Rokl Stoole So7l Rofckā“n Stle So7ul Rocfkā“n Rolkl Stloe Sou7l

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