
Didn't notice for the first time
Then I turned around
And there was something real
Something real you can't hide

Takin time to pay you time
And attention
If there's something there
I feel there's something there

And I'm waitin' everyday
But you have never have the time
But this was love, love

So many people come and go
But could one stay around
Just like I want you too
I really want you to real soon

All of those words that never fit
I'd always keep them
I would write it down
I'd put them in a song
My favorite song when I was down

And I'm waitin' everyday
But you have never got the time
For this love, love

And I'm waitin' everyday
But you have never got the time
For this was love, love

Yeah, I'm waitin' everyday
But you have never got the time
For this was love, love

Mirror lyrics:

For this was love, love
But you have never got the time
Yeah, I'm waitin' everyday

For this was love, love
But you have never got the time
And I'm waitin' everyday

For this love, love
But you have never got the time
And I'm waitin' everyday

My favorite song when I was down
I'd put them in a song
I would write it down
I'd always keep them
All of those words that never fit

I really want you to real soon
Just like I want you too
But could one stay around
So many people come and go

But this was love, love
But you have never have the time
And I'm waitin' everyday

I feel there's something there
If there's something there
And attention
Takin time to pay you time

Something real you can't hide
And there was something real
Then I turned around
Didn't notice for the first time

Relevant Tags:
WWaiting aiting aWiting aaiting aWaiting Waaiting 3aiting 3Waiting W3aiting daiting dWaiting
Wdaiting eaiting eWaiting Weaiting saiting sWaiting Wsaiting 2aiting 2Waiting W2aiting qaiting
qWaiting Wqaiting Witing Wiating Wziting Wzaiting Waziting Wqiting Waqiting Wsiting Wasiting
Wwiting Wwaiting Wawiting Wxiting Wxaiting Waxiting Waiiting Wating Watiing Wajting Wajiting
Waijting Wa9ting Wa9iting Wai9ting Walting Waliting Wailting Waoting Waoiting Waioting Wakting
Wakiting Waikting Wa8ting Wa8iting Wai8ting Wauting Wauiting Waiuting Waitting Waiing Waiitng
Waifing Waifting Waitfing

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