June Carter Cash
Wings Of Angels

Bare me up on wings of Angels

Let me hear the choir sing

Let me see the facets

Of the chair of Him

Lift me up on wings of Angels

Three or four or more

And place me in my weakness

Perfect at Your door

Jesus, I'm tryin' to get to You

Jesus, I'm tryin' to come home

Bare me up on wings of Angels

Lest I cast my foot against a stone

Well, the world keeps flyin' 'round

And I'm almost outta sight

I keep slippin' into Hell

I can't seem to get it right

Bare me up on wings of Angels

I might make it, I might not

But Jesus, I'm givin' it all I've got

Jesus, I'm tryin' to get to You

Jesus, I'm tryin' to come home

Bare me up on wings of Angels

Lest I cast my foot against a stone

Mirror lyrics:

Lest I cast my foot against a stone

Bare me up on wings of Angels

Jesus, I'm tryin' to come home

Jesus, I'm tryin' to get to You

But Jesus, I'm givin' it all I've got

I might make it, I might not

Bare me up on wings of Angels

I can't seem to get it right

I keep slippin' into Hell

And I'm almost outta sight

Well, the world keeps flyin' 'round

Lest I cast my foot against a stone

Bare me up on wings of Angels

Jesus, I'm tryin' to come home

Jesus, I'm tryin' to get to You

Perfect at Your door

And place me in my weakness

Three or four or more

Lift me up on wings of Angels

Of the chair of Him

Let me see the facets

Let me hear the choir sing

Bare me up on wings of Angels

Relevant Tags:
WWings OOf AAngels ings f ngels iWngs fO nAgels aings kf zngels aWings kOf zAngels Waings Okf Azngels 3ings 9f qngels
3Wings 9Of qAngels W3ings O9f Aqngels dings 0f sngels dWings 0Of sAngels Wdings O0f Asngels eings lf wngels eWings lOf wAngels
Weings Olf Awngels sings if xngels sWings iOf xAngels Wsings Oif Axngels 2ings Off Anngels 2Wings O Agels W2ings Of Agnels
qings Oc Amgels qWings Ocf Amngels Wqings Ofc Anmgels Wiings Or Ahgels Wngs Orf Ahngels Wnigs Ofr Anhgels Wjngs Og Ajgels
Wjings Ogf Ajngels Wijngs Ofg Anjgels W9ngs Ot Abgels W9ings Otf Abngels Wi9ngs Oft Anbgels Wlngs Ov Anggels Wlings Ovf Anels
Wilngs Ofv Anegls Wongs Od Anhels Woings Odf Wiongs Ofd Anghels Wkngs Anyels Wkings Anygels Wikngs Angyels
W8ngs Anbels W8ings Wi8ngs Angbels Wungs Anvels Wuings Anvgels Wiungs Angvels Winngs Anfels
Wigs Anfgels Wigns Angfels Wimgs Antels Wimngs Antgels Winmgs Angtels

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