June Carter Cash
I Love You Sweetheart

She walked to his car from the church house

Where he sat waiting in the night

And her hands trembled on her Bible

As she held on firmly to the right

Oh, you're beggin' me to go out drinkin'

But drinkin' only adds to my pain

I love you sweetheart, I love you

But we won't ever meet again

Oh, I love you sweetheart, I love you

And your tears keep addin' to my pain

I love you sweetheart, I love you

But we won't ever meet again

Oh, my heart is almost broken

And then she let go of his hand

I love you sweetheart, I love you

But we won't ever meet again

You've been in the arms of another

And one who says she is my friend

You've kissed her and held her and loved her

And taken her places that we've been

Oh, my heart is almost broken

And then she let go of his hand

I love you sweetheart, I love you

But we won't ever meet again

Oh, I love you sweetheart, I love you

But drinkin' only adds to my pain

I love you sweetheart, I love you

But we won't ever meet again

Oh, my heart is almost broken

And your tears only add to my pain

I love you sweetheart, I love you

But we won't ever meet again

Mirror lyrics:

But we won't ever meet again

I love you sweetheart, I love you

And your tears only add to my pain

Oh, my heart is almost broken

But we won't ever meet again

I love you sweetheart, I love you

But drinkin' only adds to my pain

Oh, I love you sweetheart, I love you

But we won't ever meet again

I love you sweetheart, I love you

And then she let go of his hand

Oh, my heart is almost broken

And taken her places that we've been

You've kissed her and held her and loved her

And one who says she is my friend

You've been in the arms of another

But we won't ever meet again

I love you sweetheart, I love you

And then she let go of his hand

Oh, my heart is almost broken

But we won't ever meet again

I love you sweetheart, I love you

And your tears keep addin' to my pain

Oh, I love you sweetheart, I love you

But we won't ever meet again

I love you sweetheart, I love you

But drinkin' only adds to my pain

Oh, you're beggin' me to go out drinkin'

As she held on firmly to the right

And her hands trembled on her Bible

Where he sat waiting in the night

She walked to his car from the church house

Relevant Tags:
II LLove YYou SSweetheart ove ou weetheart I oLve oYu wSeetheart j kove gou zweetheart jI kLove gYou zSweetheart Ij Lkove Ygou Szweetheart
9 oove hou wweetheart 9I oLove hYou wSweetheart I9 Loove Yhou Swweetheart l pove 6ou dweetheart lI pLove 6You dSweetheart Il Lpove Y6ou Sdweetheart
o uou eweetheart oI Lve uYou eSweetheart Io Lvoe Yuou Seweetheart k Lkve 7ou xweetheart kI 7You xSweetheart Ik Lokve Y7ou Sxweetheart
8 L9ve jou aweetheart 8I L9ove jYou aSweetheart I8 Lo9ve Yjou Saweetheart u L0ve tou uI L0ove tYou Seetheart Iu Lo0ve Ytou Sewetheart
Llve Yoou Saeetheart Llove Yu Lolve Yuo Swaeetheart Live Yku S3eetheart Liove Ykou S3weetheart Loive Yoku Sw3eetheart
Lovve Y9u Sdeetheart Loe Y9ou Loev Yo9u Swdeetheart Lobe Y0u Seeetheart Lobve Y0ou Lovbe Yo0u Sweeetheart
Loce Ylu Sseetheart Locve Ylou Ssweetheart Lovce Yolu Swseetheart Loge Yiu S2eetheart Logve Yiou S2weetheart Lovge Yoiu Sw2eetheart
Lofe Youu Sqeetheart Lofve Yo Sqweetheart Lovfe You Swqeetheart Lovee Yoh Lov Yohu Swetheart Love Youh Sweetheart
Lovs Yo7 Swsetheart Lovse Yo7u Loves You7 Swesetheart Lov3 Yok Sw3etheart Lov3e Love3 Youk Swe3etheart
Lovf Yoi Swfetheart Swfeetheart Lovef Youi Swefetheart Lovr Yo8 Swretheart Lovre Yo8u Swreetheart Lover You8 Sweretheart
Lov4 Yoj Sw4etheart Lov4e Yoju Sw4eetheart Love4 Youj Swe4etheart Lovd Yoy Swdetheart Lovde Yoyu Loved Youy Swedetheart
Lovw Swwetheart Lovwe Lovew Swewetheart Sweteheart Swestheart Sweestheart
Swe3theart Swee3theart Sweftheart Sweeftheart Swertheart Sweertheart
Swe4theart Swee4theart Swedtheart Sweedtheart Swewtheart Sweewtheart
Sweettheart Sweeheart Sweehteart Sweefheart Sweetfheart

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