Just Surrender
Of All We've Known

It's 9 o'clock and it's getting dark and I can't see the road
I flash my headlights into the dark night
I swear we'll make it on our own

We're older than we used to be
this town holds no more to see
we're fading in, we're fading out
until I hear you say

Come on, come on
Hey kid, this is far too important for you to understand
She says be a man, you know this is what we both wanted
It's time for us to let go
of all we've known

It's 1 a.m. and we're alone again, I reach out for the sky
My mind keeps playing all the words you're saying
I'm always wrong when you are right

We re older than we used to be
This town holds no more to see
We're fading in, we're fading out until I hear you say

Come on, come on
Hey kid, this is far too important for you to understand
She says be a man, you know this is what we both wanted
It's time for us to let go
of all we've known

Come on, come on
Hey kid, this is far too important for you to understand
She says be a man, you know this is what we both wanted
It's time for us to let go
of all we've known

Of all we've known, of all we've known
Of all we've known (Hey kid, this is far to important)
Of all we've known (For you to understand)
She says be a man

Mirror lyrics:

She says be a man
Of all we've known (For you to understand)
Of all we've known (Hey kid, this is far to important)
Of all we've known, of all we've known

of all we've known
It's time for us to let go
She says be a man, you know this is what we both wanted
Hey kid, this is far too important for you to understand
Come on, come on

of all we've known
It's time for us to let go
She says be a man, you know this is what we both wanted
Hey kid, this is far too important for you to understand
Come on, come on

We're fading in, we're fading out until I hear you say
This town holds no more to see
We re older than we used to be

I'm always wrong when you are right
My mind keeps playing all the words you're saying
It's 1 a.m. and we're alone again, I reach out for the sky

of all we've known
It's time for us to let go
She says be a man, you know this is what we both wanted
Hey kid, this is far too important for you to understand
Come on, come on

until I hear you say
we're fading in, we're fading out
this town holds no more to see
We're older than we used to be

I swear we'll make it on our own
I flash my headlights into the dark night
It's 9 o'clock and it's getting dark and I can't see the road

Relevant Tags:
OOf AAll WWe've KKnown f ll e've nown fO lAl eW've nKown kf zll ae've lnown kOf zAll aWe've lKnown Okf Azll Wae've Klnown
9f qll 3e've onown 9Of qAll 3We've oKnown O9f Aqll W3e've Konown 0f sll de've mnown 0Of sAll dWe've mKnown O0f Asll Wde've Kmnown
lf wll ee've jnown lOf wAll eWe've jKnown Olf Awll Wee've Kjnown if xll se've inown iOf xAll sWe've iKnown Oif Axll Wse've Kinown
Off Alll 2e've Knnown O Al 2We've Kown Of All W2e've Konwn Oc Akl qe've Kmown Ocf Akll qWe've Ofc Alkl Wqe've Knmown
Or Aol Khown Orf Aoll W've Khnown Ofr Alol W'eve Knhown Og Apl Ws've Kjown Ogf Apll Ofg Alpl Wes've Knjown
Ot W3've Kbown Otf Kbnown Oft We3've Knbown Ov Alk Wf've Knoown Ovf Wfe've Knwn Ofv Allk Wef've Knwon
Od Alo Wr've Knkwn Odf Wre've Knkown Ofd Allo Wer've Knokwn Alp W4've Kn9wn W4e've Kn9own Allp We4've Kno9wn
Wd've Kn0wn Kn0own

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