July For Kings

Tell the world that I still burn
tell the world that i'm still breathing
tell your friends that I'm alright
tell your friends that i am Jesus Christ
if it makes them feel like dancing.
Tonight the earth is getting thinner
and the sky just won't hold still
will I outlive another winter
tell your friends that I will

Lose myself like a child in the snow
gentle steps so I won't fall below
through the ground and this velvet sky
somewhere else the armies pass me by

Now soldiers call
and soldiers fall
your armies will never contain me
tonight I shine
tonight is mine
the soldiers will never contain me

Come on
come on

It's a natural progression
into ourselves as we become
this natural infection
away from fear we're leading everyone
into their fathers' corners

I see the insects closing in
take a weapon we can kill
every reason no one wins
and tell your friends that i will

Lose myself like a child in the snow
gentle steps so I won't fall below
through the ground and this velvet sky
somewhere else the armies pass right by

now soldiers fall
and soldiers call
your armies will never contain me
tonight I shine
tonight is mine
and your armies will never contain me

hey hey hey
come on, come on
fall fall fall fall

now soldiers fall
and those soldiers crawl
their armies will never touch me
cause tonight i shine
and this night is mine
your armies will never contain me

let the soldiers cry
the soldiers die
your armies just cannot touch me
cause tonight I burn
tonight I learn
the soldiers will never contain me

Mirror lyrics:

the soldiers will never contain me
tonight I learn
cause tonight I burn
your armies just cannot touch me
the soldiers die
let the soldiers cry

your armies will never contain me
and this night is mine
cause tonight i shine
their armies will never touch me
and those soldiers crawl
now soldiers fall

fall fall fall fall
come on, come on
hey hey hey

and your armies will never contain me
tonight is mine
tonight I shine
your armies will never contain me
and soldiers call
now soldiers fall

somewhere else the armies pass right by
through the ground and this velvet sky
gentle steps so I won't fall below
Lose myself like a child in the snow

and tell your friends that i will
every reason no one wins
take a weapon we can kill
I see the insects closing in

into their fathers' corners
away from fear we're leading everyone
this natural infection
into ourselves as we become
It's a natural progression

come on
Come on

the soldiers will never contain me
tonight is mine
tonight I shine
your armies will never contain me
and soldiers fall
Now soldiers call

somewhere else the armies pass me by
through the ground and this velvet sky
gentle steps so I won't fall below
Lose myself like a child in the snow

tell your friends that I will
will I outlive another winter
and the sky just won't hold still
Tonight the earth is getting thinner
if it makes them feel like dancing.
tell your friends that i am Jesus Christ
tell your friends that I'm alright
tell the world that i'm still breathing
Tell the world that I still burn

Relevant Tags:
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Sdoldiers eoldiers eSoldiers Seoldiers xoldiers xSoldiers Sxoldiers aoldiers aSoldiers Saoldiers Sooldiers
Sldiers Slodiers Skldiers Skoldiers Sokldiers S9ldiers S9oldiers So9ldiers S0ldiers S0oldiers So0ldiers
Slldiers Sloldiers Solldiers Sildiers Sioldiers Soildiers Sodiers Sodliers Sokdiers Solkdiers Soodiers
Solodiers Sopdiers Sopldiers Solpdiers Solddiers Soliers Soliders Solxiers Solxdiers Soldxiers Soleiers
Solediers Soldeiers Solfiers Solfdiers Soldfiers Solriers Solrdiers Soldriers Solciers Solcdiers Soldciers
Solsiers Solsdiers Soldsiers Soldiiers Solders Soldeirs Soldjers Soldjiers Soldijers

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