K. D. Lang
World Of Love

Far from above
A soul watched in silence
As she dreamed of love
And innocence.

The soul thought "how odd
And rare this beauty
This creature of god
That lays before me."

The touch of the sun
Was caressing her skin
The realm of the reason came from within
And so the world of love begins.

The warm scent of musk
Came rising slowly
Lavish and lush
Divine and holy

The touch of the sun
Was caressing her skin
The realm of the reason came from within
And so the world of love begins.

This was a dance
Smiling with desire
This was romance's
Burning fire.

The touch of the sun
Was caressing her skin
The realm of the reason came from within
And so the world of love begins...

Mirror lyrics:

And so the world of love begins...
The realm of the reason came from within
Was caressing her skin
The touch of the sun

Burning fire.
This was romance's
Smiling with desire
This was a dance

And so the world of love begins.
The realm of the reason came from within
Was caressing her skin
The touch of the sun

Divine and holy
Lavish and lush
Came rising slowly
The warm scent of musk

And so the world of love begins.
The realm of the reason came from within
Was caressing her skin
The touch of the sun

That lays before me."
This creature of god
And rare this beauty
The soul thought "how odd

And innocence.
As she dreamed of love
A soul watched in silence
Far from above

Relevant Tags:
WWorld OOf LLove orld f ove oWrld fO oLve aorld kf kove aWorld kOf kLove Waorld Okf Lkove 3orld 9f oove 3World 9Of oLove W3orld O9f Loove
dorld 0f pove dWorld 0Of pLove Wdorld O0f Lpove eorld lf eWorld lOf Lve Weorld Olf Lvoe sorld if Lkve sWorld iOf Wsorld Oif Lokve
2orld Off L9ve 2World O L9ove W2orld Of Lo9ve qorld Oc L0ve qWorld Ocf L0ove Wqorld Ofc Lo0ve Woorld Or Llve Wrld Orf Llove Wrold Ofr Lolve
Wkrld Og Live Wkorld Ogf Liove Wokrld Ofg Loive W9rld Ot Lovve W9orld Otf Loe Wo9rld Oft Loev W0rld Ov Lobe W0orld Ovf Lobve Wo0rld Ofv Lovbe
Wlrld Od Loce Wlorld Odf Locve Wolrld Ofd Lovce Wirld Loge Wiorld Logve Woirld Lovge Worrld Lofe Wold Lofve Wolrd Lovfe
Wodld Lovee Wodrld Lov Wordld Love Wo4ld Lovs Wo4rld Lovse

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