Julie Roberts
If You Had Called Yesterday

I'll admit it got to me
Hearing your voice on my machine
It took all I had to just let you talk
And not pick up where we left off

Every night since your goodbye
I hit my knees and close my eyes
And I pray that you'd come back
Too many tears washed out that bridge
You wanna cross, but baby, it's too late for that
Last night would've been a different story
But the morning sun must've done something for me
Cause I bet I'd gone the other way
If you'd called yesterday
If you'd called yesterday

This victory runs bitter sweet
Through the heart and soul of me
But I sip my coffee and watch the sun rise
Makin its way to a bluer sky

Every night since your goodbye
I hit my knees and close my eyes
And I pray that you'd come back
Too many tears washed out that bridge
You wanna cross, but baby, it's too late for that
Last night would've been a different story
But the morning sun must've done something for me
Cause I bet I'd gone the other way
If you'd called yesterday
If you'd called yesterday

Last night would've been a different story
But the morning must've done something for me
Cause I bet I'd gone the other way
If you'd called yesterday
If you'd called yesterday
If you'd called yesterday

Mirror lyrics:

If you'd called yesterday
If you'd called yesterday
If you'd called yesterday
Cause I bet I'd gone the other way
But the morning must've done something for me
Last night would've been a different story

If you'd called yesterday
If you'd called yesterday
Cause I bet I'd gone the other way
But the morning sun must've done something for me
Last night would've been a different story
You wanna cross, but baby, it's too late for that
Too many tears washed out that bridge
And I pray that you'd come back
I hit my knees and close my eyes
Every night since your goodbye

Makin its way to a bluer sky
But I sip my coffee and watch the sun rise
Through the heart and soul of me
This victory runs bitter sweet

If you'd called yesterday
If you'd called yesterday
Cause I bet I'd gone the other way
But the morning sun must've done something for me
Last night would've been a different story
You wanna cross, but baby, it's too late for that
Too many tears washed out that bridge
And I pray that you'd come back
I hit my knees and close my eyes
Every night since your goodbye

And not pick up where we left off
It took all I had to just let you talk
Hearing your voice on my machine
I'll admit it got to me

Relevant Tags:
IIf YYou HHad CCalled YYesterday f ou ad alled esterday fI oYu aHd aClled eYsterday jf gou jad falled gesterday jIf gYou jHad fCalled gYesterday
Ijf Ygou Hjad Cfalled Ygesterday 9f hou uad xalled hesterday 9If hYou uHad xCalled hYesterday I9f Yhou Huad Cxalled Yhesterday lf 6ou nad valled 6esterday
lIf 6You nHad vCalled 6Yesterday Ilf Y6ou Hnad Cvalled Y6esterday of uou bad dalled uesterday oIf uYou bHad dCalled uYesterday Iof Yuou Hbad Cdalled Yuesterday
kf 7ou gad Caalled 7esterday kIf 7You gHad Clled 7Yesterday Ikf Y7ou Hgad Claled Y7esterday 8f jou yad Czlled jesterday 8If jYou yHad Czalled jYesterday
I8f Yjou Hyad Cazlled Yjesterday uf tou Haad Cqlled testerday uIf tYou Hd Cqalled tYesterday Iuf Ytou Hda Caqlled Ytesterday Iff Yoou Hzd Cslled Yeesterday
I Yu Hzad Csalled Ysterday If Yuo Hazd Caslled Yseterday Ic Yku Hqd Cwlled Yssterday Icf Ykou Hqad Cwalled Ysesterday Ifc Yoku Haqd Cawlled Yessterday
Ir Y9u Hsd Cxlled Y3sterday Irf Y9ou Hsad Y3esterday Ifr Yo9u Hasd Caxlled Ye3sterday Ig Y0u Hwd Callled Yfsterday Igf Y0ou Hwad Caled Yfesterday
Ifg Yo0u Hawd Called Yefsterday It Ylu Hxd Cakled Yrsterday Itf Ylou Hxad Caklled Yresterday Ift Yolu Haxd Calkled Yersterday Iv Yiu Hadd Caoled Y4sterday
Ivf Yiou Ha Caolled Y4esterday Ifv Yoiu Had Caloled Ye4sterday Id Youu Hax Capled Ydsterday Idf Yo Caplled Ydesterday Ifd You Hadx Calpled Yedsterday
Yoh Hae Ywsterday Yohu Haed Ywesterday Youh Hade Caleld Yewsterday Yo7 Haf Calked Yo7u Hafd Yeterday
You7 Hadf Callked Yetserday Yok Har Caloed Yezterday Hard Yezsterday Youk Hadr Calloed Yeszterday Yoi Hac Calped Yewterday
Hacd Youi Hadc Callped Yeswterday Yo8 Has Calleed Yedterday Yo8u Calld You8 Hads Callde Yesdterday
Yoj Callsd Yeeterday Yoju Callsed Youj Callesd Yeseterday Yoy Call3d Yexterday Yoyu Call3ed Yexsterday
Youy Calle3d Yesxterday Callfd Yeaterday Callfed Yeasterday Callefd Yesaterday Callrd Yestterday
Callred Yeserday Callerd Yesetrday Call4d Yesferday Call4ed Yesfterday Calle4d Yestferday
Calldd Yes5erday Callded Yes5terday Calledd Yest5erday Callwd Yesherday Callwed Yeshterday
Callewd Yestherday Yesyerday Calle Yesyterday Yestyerday Callex Yes6erday
Callexd Yes6terday Calledx Yest6erday Callee Yesgerday Yesgterday Callede Yestgerday
Callef Yesrerday Yesrterday Calledf Yestrerday Caller Yesteerday

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